Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Crazy Olive Panther

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4 dBi


4 m

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IOT Data (Bytes)


Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)

Denied Edges (81)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Sticky Chrome ZebraTerrain intersection
Nice Burgundy TunaTerrain intersection
Elegant Licorice SkunkTerrain intersection
Alert Cyan ShetlandTerrain intersection
Savory Grey TardigradeTerrain intersection
Main Orange BarracudaTerrain intersection
Cheery Licorice WaspTerrain intersection
Tall Tortilla WaspTerrain intersection
Decent Basil AntTerrain intersection
Huge Coffee WrenTerrain intersection
Hollow Raspberry MillipedeTerrain intersection
Damaged Eggplant MockingbirdTerrain intersection
Harsh Teal DoveTerrain intersection
Fun Mint ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Rural Gunmetal CrocodileTerrain intersection
Striped Felt FishTerrain intersection
Muscular Lilac PantherTerrain intersection
Genuine Seaweed ParakeetTerrain intersection
Clumsy Lemonade HalibutTerrain intersection
Flaky Brunette HippoTerrain intersection
Amusing Butter CheetahTerrain intersection
Soft Hemp CricketTerrain intersection
Shallow Mahogany LizardTerrain intersection
Short Honeysuckle BaboonTerrain intersection
Mysterious Pistachio TunaTerrain intersection
Dazzling Blue MustangTerrain intersection
Petite Garnet SealionTerrain intersection
Exotic Menthol DonkeyTerrain intersection
Hot Midnight CobraTerrain intersection
Jolly Lemon RhinoTerrain intersection
Scruffy Coral CondorTerrain intersection
Energetic Orange BeeTerrain intersection
Skinny Spruce MandrillTerrain intersection
Quiet Quartz ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Special Felt BoaTerrain intersection
Jovial Daffodil ViperTerrain intersection
Glamorous Crimson GoatTerrain intersection
Round Pebble SealionTerrain intersection
Hidden Fuzzy RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Glorious Admiral IguanaTerrain intersection
Powerful Khaki CowTerrain intersection
Creamy Carmine PorcupineTerrain intersection
Dapper Tartan ShrimpTerrain intersection
Fierce Sangria PandaTerrain intersection
Special Rosewood FishTerrain intersection
Itchy Heather MonkeyTerrain intersection
Damaged Mulberry MammothTerrain intersection
Polite Pecan TadpoleTerrain intersection
Wobbly Butter SalmonTerrain intersection
Clumsy Turquoise LobsterTerrain intersection
Exotic Glass PantherTerrain intersection
Acrobatic Daisy SwallowTerrain intersection
Proper Heather GoblinTerrain intersection
Nutty Oily ShellTerrain intersection
Glorious Green SawfishTerrain intersection
Long Charcoal SharkTerrain intersection
Cuddly Jade WaspTerrain intersection
Skinny Infrared AphidTerrain intersection
Muscular Leather CondorTerrain intersection
Hot Topaz AlligatorTerrain intersection
Acidic Goldenrod FinchTerrain intersection
Sour Champagne WormTerrain intersection
Bent Candy CaribouTerrain intersection
Big Vanilla GoatTerrain intersection
High Lead TadpoleTerrain intersection
Slow Bamboo HedgehogTerrain intersection
Crazy Cloud PangolinTerrain intersection
Pet Inky ParakeetTerrain intersection
Bumpy Hazel ParrotTerrain intersection
Gorgeous Taupe GeckoTerrain intersection
Acidic Alabaster OysterTerrain intersection
Electric Pineapple PenguinTerrain intersection
Chilly Azure LobsterTerrain intersection
Custom Iron CuckooTerrain intersection
Big Hickory KoalaTerrain intersection
Handsome Fern OwlTerrain intersection
Joyful Basil LorisTerrain intersection
Sticky Coal PumaTerrain intersection
Hollow Caramel GiraffeTerrain intersection
Hot Syrup TurkeyTerrain intersection
Urban Emerald GiraffeTerrain intersection