Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Savory Cinnamon Bear

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4 dBi

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Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)

Denied Edges (48)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Smooth Scarlet CrowTerrain intersection
Chilly Syrup EagleTerrain intersection
Powerful Ruby SeahorseTerrain intersection
Tricky Raspberry TerrierTerrain intersection
Shambolic Aegean MouseTerrain intersection
Curved Magenta OrangutanTerrain intersection
Mythical Tweed OysterTerrain intersection
Crazy Tiger ScorpionTerrain intersection
Mean Tan CarpTerrain intersection
Careful Menthol SalmonTerrain intersection
Cheesy Currant ParrotTerrain intersection
Damp Fuzzy StallionTerrain intersection
Round Lipstick RaccoonTerrain intersection
Magnificent Tiger YakTerrain intersection
Real Flint SalamanderTerrain intersection
Jumpy Snowy ShrimpTerrain intersection
Bright Lead PuppyTerrain intersection
Dry Gauze SalamanderTerrain intersection
Cold Opaque VultureTerrain intersection
Thankful Viridian RaccoonTerrain intersection
Overt Pickle ScallopTerrain intersection
Rural Raspberry TerrierTerrain intersection
Strong Fern CormorantTerrain intersection
Old Indigo FlamingoTerrain intersection
Recumbent Lemon ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Attractive Glass GooseTerrain intersection
Faint Linen RaccoonTerrain intersection
Rough Sandstone FinchTerrain intersection
Happy Plastic AntTerrain intersection
Fierce Oily SlothTerrain intersection
Small Fuzzy LorisTerrain intersection
Cheery Lime TapirTerrain intersection
Short Sapphire BoaTerrain intersection
Bouncy Pickle DragonTerrain intersection
Recumbent Cedar WaspTerrain intersection
Bouncy Latte PangolinTerrain intersection
Sticky Pecan SalamanderTerrain intersection
Faint Mulberry OrcaTerrain intersection
Proper Shadow CougarTerrain intersection
Exotic Aqua TunaTerrain intersection
Tangy Daisy CobraTerrain intersection
Cheery Lavender ManateeTerrain intersection
Perfect Ash NightingaleTerrain intersection
Spare Lavender PelicanTerrain intersection
Tangy Lemon CamelTerrain intersection
Rapid Pineapple MinkTerrain intersection
Long Chocolate HyenaTerrain intersection
Helpful Graphite RavenTerrain intersection