Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Exotic Viridian Cobra
(Cal-Chip IOT)
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10 dBi
30 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
112865 / 266848
0.04152787 IOT
112506 / 262050
0.04152787 IOT
118067 / 249169
0.02990817 IOT
93469 / 258615
0.0116197 IOT
Denied Edges (114)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Vast Coral Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Ancient Taffy Goose
Terrain intersection
Hollow Silver Starling
Terrain intersection
Powerful Frost Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Mysterious Brown Weasel
Terrain intersection
High Carmine Crane
Terrain intersection
Polished Daffodil Llama
Terrain intersection
Brilliant Taupe Cow
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Canvas Poodle
Distance insensitivity
Shaggy Ultraviolet Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Bamboo Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Cobalt Terrier
Terrain intersection
Delightful Quartz Mantis
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Mint Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Amateur Pewter Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Hidden Ebony Butterfly
Distance insensitivity
Fantastic Orange Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Nutty Lava Hare
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Fuchsia Cougar
Terrain intersection
Uneven Wintergreen Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Malachite Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Lone Laurel Mole
Terrain intersection
Proud Pistachio Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Helpful Raisin Cow
Terrain intersection
Powerful Ceramic Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Old Cherry Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Icy Marmalade Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Smooth Tangelo Chicken
Terrain intersection
Special Iris Pike
Terrain intersection
Large Viridian Weasel
Distance insensitivity
Straight Brick Alligator
Terrain intersection
Powerful Orchid Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Mean Pickle Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Elegant Graphite Turtle
Terrain intersection
Immense Raspberry Yeti
Terrain intersection
Delightful Pebble Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Faithful Chrome Mallard
Terrain intersection
Bouncy Tangelo Swallow
Terrain intersection
Colossal Bamboo Trout
Terrain intersection
Able Corduroy Worm
Distance insensitivity
Electric Clear Seahorse
Terrain intersection
Creamy Punch Millipede
Terrain intersection
Raspy Misty Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Macho Caramel Beetle
Terrain intersection
Jovial Turquoise Goat
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Porcelain Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Rural Corduroy Skunk
Terrain intersection
Wide Khaki Crane
Terrain intersection
Curved Vermilion Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Zany Tin Marmot
Terrain intersection
Generous Smoke Troll
Terrain intersection
Modern Cotton Swallow
Terrain intersection
Wide Boysenberry Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Happy Flint Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Itchy Rosewood Pelican
Terrain intersection
Early Lavender Ant
Terrain intersection
Jumpy Fern Ant
Terrain intersection
Keen Mahogany Lizard
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Rusty Lark
Terrain intersection
Dancing Mandarin Albatross
Terrain intersection
Faithful Syrup Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Furry Parchment Marmot
Terrain intersection
Bumpy Lemonade Turkey
Terrain intersection
Round Clear Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Licorice Cormorant
Terrain intersection
Smooth Tortilla Fish
Distance insensitivity
Swift Butter Troll
Terrain intersection
Silly Khaki Tiger
Terrain intersection
Small Tawny Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Suave Tiger Duck
Terrain intersection
Skinny Tan Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Zesty Blonde Guppy
Terrain intersection
Careful White Frog
Terrain intersection
Immense Chrome Barbel
Terrain intersection
Interesting Cinnabar Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Digital Boysenberry Beaver
Terrain intersection
Trendy Raisin Canary
Terrain intersection
Basic White Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Brief Crimson Ram
Terrain intersection
Tall Mint Monkey
Terrain intersection
Big Bubblegum Wolverine
Distance insensitivity
Savory Rainbow Bull
Terrain intersection
Rapid Strawberry Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Emerald Leopard
Terrain intersection
Basic Cotton Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Bright Eggshell Rhino
Terrain intersection
Bright Paisley Condor
Terrain intersection
Colossal Chrome Vulture
Terrain intersection
Perfect Graphite Spider
Terrain intersection
Magic Mango Stork
Terrain intersection
Passive Corduroy Crane
Terrain intersection
Flat Bronze Panther
Terrain intersection
Perfect Daisy Boar
Terrain intersection
Fun Rouge Finch
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Coral Whale
Terrain intersection
Amateur Taupe Ant
Terrain intersection
Tiny Peanut Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Perfect Sable Squid
Terrain intersection
Crazy Bone Koala
Terrain intersection
Melodic Peach Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Feisty Indigo Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Digital Honey Haddock
Terrain intersection
Dandy Hemp Mink
Terrain intersection
Hidden Raspberry Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Restless Rosewood Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Magic Quartz Wolf
Terrain intersection
Shiny Fossilized Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Fresh Brunette Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Furry Chambray Elephant
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Beige Cow
Terrain intersection
Hollow Yellow Capybara
Terrain intersection
Rural Wool Yak
Terrain intersection
Original Grape Sloth
Terrain intersection
Rough Gunmetal Corgi
Terrain intersection