Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Rural Satin Trout
(Bobcat IOT)
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Transmit Scale
8.3 dBi
11 m
Earnings (HNT)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
226151 / 266848
0.00909226 IOT
226310 / 262050
0.00904546 IOT
216812 / 249169
0.0045136 IOT
186870 / 258615
0.00453186 IOT
37345 / 74377
0.0000468 IOT
Denied Edges (125)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Itchy Carrot Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Sticky Cobalt Wombat
Terrain intersection
Magic Flaxen Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Macho Lilac Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Short Quartz Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Maroon Tiger
Terrain intersection
Magic Cornflower Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Curved Juniper Cobra
Terrain intersection
Swift Crepe Lion
Terrain intersection
Furry Lipstick Swan
Terrain intersection
Modern Rusty Bear
Terrain intersection
Noisy Raisin Stork
Terrain intersection
Narrow Hazelnut Goat
Terrain intersection
Stale Fossilized Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Amateur Green Locust
Terrain intersection
Refined Green Coyote
Terrain intersection
Mysterious Crimson Sealion
Terrain intersection
Harsh Currant Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Ripe Red Frog
Terrain intersection
Dapper Gunmetal Spider
Terrain intersection
Glorious Pewter Python
Terrain intersection
Faint Marmalade Terrier
Terrain intersection
Expert Ivory Stork
Terrain intersection
Flat Teal Deer
Terrain intersection
Tangy Foggy Rat
Terrain intersection
Little Orange Seahorse
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Pistachio Hyena
Terrain intersection
Melodic Viridian Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Sweet Vinyl Ladybug
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Lavender Tuna
Terrain intersection
Long Canvas Mallard
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Arctic Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Steep Currant Bear
Terrain intersection
Bent Linen Horse
Terrain intersection
Sharp Sandstone Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Feisty Flaxen Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Rare Tortilla Barbel
Terrain intersection
Short Rosewood Gecko
Terrain intersection
Witty Scarlet Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Warm Peach Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Deep Tweed Ram
Terrain intersection
Abundant Fern Stallion
Terrain intersection
Melodic Jetblack Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Cold Burlap Horse
Terrain intersection
Energetic Khaki Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Crimson Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Curved White Monkey
Terrain intersection
Shallow Candy Lizard
Terrain intersection
Howling Dijon Finch
Terrain intersection
Sticky Ivory Lizard
Terrain intersection
Faint Teal Weasel
Terrain intersection
Original Fiery Shetland
Terrain intersection
Suave Turquoise Gecko
Terrain intersection
Melodic Lace Crane
Terrain intersection
Rare Berry Cod
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Flaxen Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Macho Eggplant Panda
Terrain intersection
Zany Fiery Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Porcelain Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Itchy Olive Wasp
Terrain intersection
Odd Clay Sardine
Terrain intersection
Original Pastel Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Glamorous Arctic Quail
Terrain intersection
Breezy Lemonade Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Creamy Ultraviolet Bear
Terrain intersection
Skinny Bamboo Mink
Terrain intersection
Mean Ash Zebra
Terrain intersection
Young Azure Huskie
Terrain intersection
Virtual White Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Short Lilac Stork
Terrain intersection
Warm Carob Cricket
Terrain intersection
Teeny Raspberry Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Innocent Pickle Cod
Terrain intersection
Odd Pewter Haddock
Terrain intersection
Little Marigold Urchin
Terrain intersection
Precise Peanut Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Amateur Chili Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Small Azure Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Rich Cherry Mandrill
Terrain intersection
Quick Cinnamon Scallop
Terrain intersection
Dapper Grape Huskie
Terrain intersection
Digital Goldenrod Wombat
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Pickle Alligator
Terrain intersection
Spare Black Seagull
Terrain intersection
Swift Infrared Corgi
Terrain intersection
Able Tangerine Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Sharp Plastic Hawk
Terrain intersection
Salty Steel Jay
Terrain intersection
Hollow Mahogany Guppy
Terrain intersection
Ripe Parchment Corgi
Terrain intersection
Main Strawberry Dinosaur
Terrain intersection
Dancing Clear Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Oily Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Mythical Merlot Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Long Admiral Caribou
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Coffee Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Delightful Seafoam Lark
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Mercurial Gecko
Terrain intersection
Exotic Pewter Peacock
Terrain intersection
Puny Chartreuse Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Winning Currant Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Orchid Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Warm Pickle Starfish
Terrain intersection
Proud Rainbow Puma
Terrain intersection
Howling Taffy Beaver
Terrain intersection
Flat Sky Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Strong Pewter Cat
Terrain intersection
Future Quartz Stallion
Terrain intersection
Obedient Coral Swan
Terrain intersection
Crazy Fiery Tapir
Terrain intersection
Rough Tin Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Boxy Mahogany Wallaby
Distance insensitivity
Ripe Zinc Mantis
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Rainbow Dragon
Terrain intersection
Suave Jade Monkey
Terrain intersection
Tangy Currant Newt
Terrain intersection
Faint Cherry Pelican
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Frost Locust
Terrain intersection
Best Garnet Swan
Terrain intersection
Kind Rosewood Loris
Terrain intersection
Loud Tangelo Zebra
Terrain intersection
Tart Candy Barbel
Terrain intersection
Polished Marmalade Cod
Terrain intersection
Teeny Hemp Rook
Terrain intersection
Special Pink Kangaroo
Terrain intersection