Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Scrawny Clear Grasshopper
(SenseCAP IOT)
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8 dBi
12 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
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Rewarded (IOT)
Denied Edges (119)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Genuine Amethyst Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Sunny Orange Dragon
Terrain intersection
Tiny Scarlet Octopus
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Vinyl Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Puny Goldenrod Stallion
Terrain intersection
Brief Rose Lynx
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Felt Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Main Scarlet Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Alert Obsidian Robin
Terrain intersection
Active Clear Ferret
Terrain intersection
Immense Bubblegum Nightingale
Terrain intersection
Crazy Mauve Dog
Terrain intersection
Smooth Wool Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Suave Pebble Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Docile Mulberry Fish
Terrain intersection
Ancient Leather Hare
Terrain intersection
Tangy Gauze Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Coconut Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Glorious Jetblack Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Plain Licorice Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Macho Coconut Caribou
Terrain intersection
Refined Honey Wombat
Terrain intersection
Handsome Cream Ape
Terrain intersection
Festive Blue Dove
Terrain intersection
Obedient Bronze Caribou
Terrain intersection
Shiny Aqua Lemur
Terrain intersection
Virtual Gingham Hawk
Terrain intersection
Tangy Iris Swan
Terrain intersection
Smooth Gingham Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Late Wintergreen Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Teeny Merlot Swallow
Terrain intersection
Original Eggshell Cow
Terrain intersection
Tangy Fuzzy Horse
Terrain intersection
Magic Bamboo Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Thankful Velvet Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Clean Honey Hawk
Terrain intersection
Polished Navy Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Small Lemon Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Rare Powder Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Hot Taupe Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Quartz Iguana
Terrain intersection
Quiet Azure Millipede
Terrain intersection
Tiny Wooden Cod
Terrain intersection
Melted Crepe Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Festive Mint Gecko
Terrain intersection
Electric Rouge Caribou
Terrain intersection
Brief Syrup Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Rich Umber Hamster
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Taffy Elk
Terrain intersection
Unique Fiery Wolf
Terrain intersection
Attractive Mandarin Donkey
Terrain intersection
Petite Obsidian Orangutan
Terrain intersection
Pet Yellow Albatross
Terrain intersection
Dapper Coral Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Massive Purple Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Suave Macaroon Wombat
Terrain intersection
Urban Eggshell Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Lilac Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Pet Grey Monkey
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Pecan Swift
Terrain intersection
Dancing Misty Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Vast Cinnamon Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Plain Chambray Weasel
Terrain intersection
Clumsy Coal Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Proper Smoke Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Attractive Viridian Moth
Terrain intersection
Cool Crepe Newt
Terrain intersection
Square Pebble Piranha
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Wintergreen Koala
Terrain intersection
Dapper Navy Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Brave Lead Locust
Terrain intersection
Suave Rainbow Piranha
Terrain intersection
Long Cinnamon Seal
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Eggplant Cod
Terrain intersection
Glorious Chili Raven
Terrain intersection
Hot Jetblack Mink
Terrain intersection
Huge Strawberry Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Modern Powder Ferret
Terrain intersection
Quick Fossilized Lynx
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Emerald Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Decent Powder Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Radiant Mandarin Pony
Terrain intersection
Breezy Champagne Shark
Terrain intersection
Best Rosewood Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Wide Pear Condor
Terrain intersection
Smooth Holographic Starfish
Terrain intersection
Nutty Strawberry Monkey
Terrain intersection
Jolly Magenta Frog
Terrain intersection
Fit Cornflower Octopus
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Lemonade Snail
Terrain intersection
Chilly Glossy Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Huge Onyx Skunk
Terrain intersection
Original Oily Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Fit Neon Mallard
Terrain intersection
Early Navy Chicken
Terrain intersection
Magic Goldenrod Marmot
Terrain intersection
Refined Pink Huskie
Terrain intersection
Formal Steel Rook
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Marmalade Barbel
Terrain intersection
Long Chiffon Liger
Terrain intersection
Howling Peach Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Bright Arctic Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Clean Steel Locust
Terrain intersection
Swift Orange Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Tangelo Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Pebble Owl
Terrain intersection
Damaged Ruby Antelope
Terrain intersection
Flat Malachite Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Chilly Pearl Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Thankful Ebony Falcon
Terrain intersection
Flat Goldenrod Lynx
Terrain intersection
Spare Punch Beaver
Terrain intersection
Straight Ebony Halibut
Terrain intersection
Slow Plum Halibut
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Tangelo Fish
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Scarlet Octopus
Terrain intersection
Fresh Clear Mule
Terrain intersection
Fit Tangelo Rooster
Terrain intersection
Virtual Syrup Porpoise
Terrain intersection