Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Quick Cinnamon Hippo

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Transmit Scale



5 dBi


9 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total174527 / 2727140.01461232 IOT
Poc174128 / 2675620.01461232 IOT
Witness228804 / 2541980.00225052 IOT
Beacon37778 / 2641540.0123618 IOT

Denied Edges (73)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Careful Tan FlamingoTerrain intersection
Soaring Walnut ShellTerrain intersection
Tangy Red ApeTerrain intersection
Fluffy Hazel SalmonTerrain intersection
Soft Blood GoatTerrain intersection
Magnificent Cobalt MeerkatTerrain intersection
Bright Latte LigerTerrain intersection
Little Iris OctopusTerrain intersection
Skinny Candy DachshundTerrain intersection
Active Concrete TurkeyTerrain intersection
Handsome Infrared CormorantTerrain intersection
Suave Scarlet BuffaloTerrain intersection
Oblong Carob SkunkTerrain intersection
Bright Tiger WalrusTerrain intersection
Eager Bone AphidTerrain intersection
Keen Macaroon HorseTerrain intersection
Brave Amber CrabTerrain intersection
Wonderful Yellow HareTerrain intersection
Keen Coconut RobinTerrain intersection
Bald Ginger PelicanTerrain intersection
Wild Amber OstrichTerrain intersection
Ripe Aquamarine CaribouTerrain intersection
Striped Teal RoosterTerrain intersection
Polished Ivory IguanaTerrain intersection
Shambolic Cream CheetahTerrain intersection
Itchy Paisley DachshundTerrain intersection
Proud Rusty CodTerrain intersection
Vast Orange RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Main Cerulean PerchTerrain intersection
Powerful Foggy SealionTerrain intersection
Boxy Flaxen LionTerrain intersection
Lucky Rouge KangarooTerrain intersection
Thankful Carob PeacockTerrain intersection
Rapid Vinyl SeagullTerrain intersection
Best Silver OkapiTerrain intersection
Pet Brunette ApeTerrain intersection
Attractive Steel SlothTerrain intersection
Melted Mahogany PlatypusTerrain intersection
Rapid Syrup CuckooTerrain intersection
Jolly Parchment PorpoiseTerrain intersection
Delightful Cream PheasantTerrain intersection
Gorgeous Marmalade SpiderTerrain intersection
Bald Juniper RabbitTerrain intersection
Soft Paisley CrowTerrain intersection
Dizzy Quartz CopperheadTerrain intersection
Gentle Cerulean SwallowTerrain intersection
Sleepy Fossilized TrollTerrain intersection
Urban Khaki ShetlandTerrain intersection
Fantastic Sable HalibutTerrain intersection
Jolly Fiery RaccoonTerrain intersection
Formal Strawberry SalamanderTerrain intersection
Wobbly Gunmetal GorillaTerrain intersection
Formal Sangria FlyTerrain intersection
Virtual Indigo SalamanderTerrain intersection
Uneven Azure BuffaloTerrain intersection
Electric Pebble SalamanderTerrain intersection
Cheerful Blonde CricketTerrain intersection
Skinny Butter KookaburraTerrain intersection
Brilliant Mahogany GazelleTerrain intersection
Attractive Rusty GorillaTerrain intersection
Strong Topaz PorpoiseTerrain intersection
Stale Citron BisonTerrain intersection
Virtual Aquamarine AnteaterTerrain intersection
Gorgeous Bubblegum EagleTerrain intersection
Straight Malachite MallardTerrain intersection
Skinny Peach LobsterTerrain intersection
Expert Paisley RamTerrain intersection
Glamorous Candy SwallowTerrain intersection
Spicy Plum OysterTerrain intersection
Ripe Cobalt HyenaTerrain intersection
Amusing Orange TigerTerrain intersection
Mini Smoke FalconTerrain intersection
Cheery Orchid MooseTerrain intersection