Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Dandy Flaxen Eagle
(Bobcat IOT)
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1.2 dBi
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
11401 / 267277
0.1282917 IOT
11295 / 261912
0.1282917 IOT
12453 / 249664
0.11031562 IOT
38430 / 258515
0.01797608 IOT
Denied Edges (113)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Massive Onyx Whale
Terrain intersection
Formal Dijon Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Expert Flint Rook
Terrain intersection
Atomic Peanut Quail
Terrain intersection
Brisk Jade Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Strong Mango Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Thankful Flaxen Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Soaring Cinnamon Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Sour Marmalade Wombat
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Spruce Parrot
Terrain intersection
Cheery Jetblack Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Sapphire Dove
Terrain intersection
Digital Orchid Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Swift Carmine Parrot
Terrain intersection
Abundant Fuzzy Kitten
Terrain intersection
Glorious Coffee Dragon
Terrain intersection
Brisk Arctic Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Lively Daisy Wombat
Terrain intersection
Attractive Aegean Penguin
Terrain intersection
Abundant Mustard Snake
Terrain intersection
Nutty Bronze Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Sticky Coffee Swift
Terrain intersection
Tart Ivory Shark
Terrain intersection
Short Taupe Mole
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Rouge Lion
Terrain intersection
Overt Lace Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Tangy Pebble Beaver
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Lilac Cow
Terrain intersection
Long Canvas Elk
Terrain intersection
Perfect Mint Rook
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Pineapple Fish
Terrain intersection
Proud Butter Rooster
Terrain intersection
Soaring Saffron Lion
Terrain intersection
Immense Raisin Elephant
Terrain intersection
High Pistachio Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Tangy Crimson Nightingale
Terrain intersection
Sour Ocean Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Itchy Citron Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Spare Vermilion Starling
Terrain intersection
Polished Raspberry Squid
Terrain intersection
Future Khaki Panda
Terrain intersection
Merry Pewter Ram
Terrain intersection
Furry Sky Badger
Terrain intersection
Gentle Brick Puppy
Terrain intersection
Best Sepia Cat
Terrain intersection
Short Stone Guppy
Terrain intersection
Soaring Raisin Panther
Terrain intersection
Small Onyx Caterpillar
Distance insensitivity
Tiny Graphite Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Innocent Yellow Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Lone Watermelon Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Urban Peach Elk
Terrain intersection
Shallow Cloth Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Tricky Ocean Nuthatch
Terrain intersection
Long Lace Salamander
Terrain intersection
Slow Yellow Gecko
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Strawberry Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Sweet Malachite Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Blurry Pistachio Mouse
Terrain intersection
Faithful Gunmetal Sheep
Terrain intersection
Passive Cotton Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Special Sand Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Savory Purple Skunk
Terrain intersection
Polite Blue Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Hot Lipstick Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Future Sage Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Jetblack Stallion
Terrain intersection
Bitter Brunette Seal
Terrain intersection
Flaky Brown Lion
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Lipstick Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Concrete Aphid
Terrain intersection
Exotic Cider Cow
Terrain intersection
High Lavender Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Hot Latte Dolphin
Terrain intersection
High Arctic Cat
Terrain intersection
Modern Eggplant Ostrich
Terrain intersection
Sweet Sandstone Lynx
Terrain intersection
Suave Hickory Boar
Terrain intersection
Atomic Spruce Poodle
Terrain intersection
Deep Lilac Puma
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Grey Turtle
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Watermelon Kitten
Terrain intersection
Lively Rose Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Narrow Brown Ant
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Bronze Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Sepia Turkey
Terrain intersection
High Taupe Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Breezy Sable Walrus
Terrain intersection
Magic Tweed Wolf
Terrain intersection
Dancing Vinyl Whale
Terrain intersection
Handsome Blue Ladybug
Terrain intersection
Uneven Myrtle Snake
Terrain intersection
Glamorous Currant Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Faithful Latte Cow
Distance insensitivity
Beautiful Currant Opossum
Terrain intersection
Big Banana Tiger
Terrain intersection
Careful Brick Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Swift Tweed Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Sticky Flint Crocodile
Terrain intersection
Delightful Mango Moth
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Cobalt Newt
Terrain intersection
Genuine Carrot Mallard
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Purple Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Itchy Concrete Walrus
Terrain intersection
Odd Quartz Terrier
Terrain intersection
Attractive Tan Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Witty Orange Mink
Terrain intersection
Breezy Peach Capybara
Terrain intersection
Best Juniper Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Lone Linen Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Electric Grey Yak
Terrain intersection
Wild Magenta Tapir
Terrain intersection
Acidic Coal Tarantula
Terrain intersection