Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Virtual Amber Dragon
(SenseCAP IOT)
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5.8 dBi
15 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
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Rewarded (IOT)
Denied Edges (84)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Smooth Champagne Salmon
Terrain intersection
Silly Satin Python
Terrain intersection
Happy Orange Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Bald Laurel Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Small Lemon Condor
Terrain intersection
Icy Marmalade Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Ancient White Hornet
Terrain intersection
Boxy Ivory Penguin
Terrain intersection
Rare Pebble Coyote
Terrain intersection
Winning Green Millipede
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Bamboo Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Overt Porcelain Penguin
Terrain intersection
Jumpy Blue Oyster
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Daffodil Toad
Terrain intersection
Spare Opaque Barbel
Terrain intersection
Zealous Rosewood Terrier
Terrain intersection
Muscular Ruby Badger
Terrain intersection
Delightful Quartz Mantis
Terrain intersection
Loud Paisley Mantis
Terrain intersection
Joyful Carbon Turkey
Terrain intersection
Keen Beige Camel
Terrain intersection
Rural Bubblegum Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Future Heather Bat
Terrain intersection
Elegant Inky Crab
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Amethyst Hawk
Terrain intersection
Modern Cotton Swallow
Terrain intersection
Howling Neon Goblin
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Iris Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Rusty Lark
Terrain intersection
Dancing Mandarin Albatross
Terrain intersection
Keen Carbon Ram
Terrain intersection
Great Cyan Urchin
Terrain intersection
Calm Amber Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Winning Cornflower Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Coffee Camel
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Flint Wolf
Terrain intersection
Salty Chrome Frog
Terrain intersection
Muscular Chartreuse Dinosaur
Terrain intersection
Spare Scarlet Quail
Terrain intersection
Alert Chocolate Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Late Hotpink Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Mysterious Blush Terrier
Terrain intersection
Sticky Khaki Canary
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Corduroy Pike
Terrain intersection
Bitter Pink Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Plain Lipstick Rook
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Admiral Parrot
Terrain intersection
Thankful Strawberry Monkey
Terrain intersection
Uneven Macaroon Sardine
Terrain intersection
Immense Coal Jay
Terrain intersection
Fast Fuchsia Pony
Terrain intersection
Perfect Graphite Spider
Terrain intersection
Uneven Blue Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Large Carob Bison
Terrain intersection
Faithful Teal Eagle
Terrain intersection
Brave Snowy Cat
Terrain intersection
Short Tangerine Hyena
Terrain intersection
Abundant Tan Zebra
Terrain intersection
Exotic Brunette Bird
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Green Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Infrared Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Oblong Cornflower Lizard
Terrain intersection
Obedient Cobalt Alligator
Terrain intersection
Small Amber Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Steel Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Magic Quartz Wolf
Terrain intersection
Blurry Taffy Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Calm Menthol Bee
Terrain intersection
Polished Opal Swift
Terrain intersection
Unique Pink Sealion
Terrain intersection
Quaint Blush Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Creamy Marmalade Lion
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Mint Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Fast Cherry Starling
Terrain intersection
Old Cherry Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Future Ceramic Wolverine
Terrain intersection
Decent Iris Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Zany Tin Marmot
Terrain intersection
Innocent Tawny Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Malachite Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Powerful Frost Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Handsome Marigold Cougar
Terrain intersection
Generous Tin Dragon
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Bone Starfish
Terrain intersection