Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Amateur Parchment Platypus

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Transmit Scale



5 dBi


5 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total148675 / 2727140.01967526 IOT
Poc148336 / 2675620.01967526 IOT
Witness172523 / 2541980.00958221 IOT
Beacon62235 / 2641540.01009305 IOT

Denied Edges (109)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Merry Inky PigeonDistance insensitivity
Wonderful Yellow HareTerrain intersection
Little Iris OctopusTerrain intersection
Young Foggy DogTerrain intersection
Faint Oily TrollTerrain intersection
Innocent Vinyl MustangTerrain intersection
Mammoth Golden HawkTerrain intersection
Careful Lime BeeTerrain intersection
Breezy Jade QuailDistance insensitivity
Smooth Pebble SardineTerrain intersection
Bald Macaroon CodTerrain intersection
Active Malachite PangolinTerrain intersection
Amusing Sapphire FalconDistance insensitivity
Brave Amber CrabTerrain intersection
Dry Pecan HaddockTerrain intersection
Dapper Pine MothTerrain intersection
Innocent Rusty SwiftTerrain intersection
Bright Tiger WalrusTerrain intersection
Warm Sage SwallowTerrain intersection
Fresh Black LynxTerrain intersection
Faithful Tortilla CopperheadTerrain intersection
Recumbent Cyan ScallopTerrain intersection
Elegant Flaxen ManateeTerrain intersection
Special Eggplant LorisDistance insensitivity
Tangy Red ApeTerrain intersection
Radiant Lace WallabyTerrain intersection
Soft Blood GoatTerrain intersection
Cheesy Syrup MuleTerrain intersection
Sweet Tangerine ShellDistance insensitivity
Bumpy Ebony GerbilTerrain intersection
Fun Honeysuckle WallabyTerrain intersection
Swift Lilac LizardDistance insensitivity
Breezy Holographic CoyoteDistance insensitivity
Virtual Marigold RhinoTerrain intersection
Fierce Seafoam BadgerTerrain intersection
Itchy Paisley DachshundTerrain intersection
Proud Rusty CodTerrain intersection
Fresh Indigo OstrichTerrain intersection
Scruffy Tin MammothDistance insensitivity
Hot Heather LorisDistance insensitivity
Stale Shamrock KoalaTerrain intersection
Boxy Flaxen LionTerrain intersection
Lucky Rouge KangarooTerrain intersection
Rapid Paisley CopperheadTerrain intersection
Thankful Carob PeacockTerrain intersection
Stable Strawberry SharkTerrain intersection
Electric Cherry FalconTerrain intersection
Mythical Merlot SnailDistance insensitivity
Skinny Maroon BisonDistance insensitivity
Smooth Butter DolphinTerrain intersection
Soft Green GriffinTerrain intersection
Mythical Cerulean AntTerrain intersection
High Strawberry OstrichTerrain intersection
Virtual Beige NightingaleTerrain intersection
Fresh Oily MongooseDistance insensitivity
Handsome Champagne TurkeyDistance insensitivity
Careful Cream GooseDistance insensitivity
Sleepy Basil HawkDistance insensitivity
Rapid Syrup CuckooTerrain intersection
Wild Hazel MallardTerrain intersection
Flat Emerald JayTerrain intersection
Scrawny Aegean IguanaTerrain intersection
Atomic Vinyl JellyfishDistance insensitivity
Dizzy Quartz CopperheadTerrain intersection
Gentle Cerulean SwallowTerrain intersection
Bouncy Hazel ButterflyTerrain intersection
Polished Topaz TardigradeTerrain intersection
Flat Navy HornetTerrain intersection
Petite Tawny CanaryDistance insensitivity
Elegant Myrtle FalconDistance insensitivity
Bumpy Paisley GibbonTerrain intersection
Old Vanilla LarkTerrain intersection
Straight Amber GerbilDistance insensitivity
Tangy Coal SwanDistance insensitivity
Scruffy Powder TurtleDistance insensitivity
Skinny Butter KookaburraTerrain intersection
Brilliant Mahogany GazelleTerrain intersection
Rough Coffee SnakeTerrain intersection
Gentle Frost PuppyTerrain intersection
Keen Golden CowDistance insensitivity
Bouncy Azure MockingbirdTerrain intersection
Strong Topaz PorpoiseTerrain intersection
Stale Citron BisonTerrain intersection
Virtual Aquamarine AnteaterTerrain intersection
Tart Opal CamelTerrain intersection
Tart Tartan StarfishTerrain intersection
Mini Burgundy ToadTerrain intersection
Magic Rusty AlpacaTerrain intersection
Skinny Peach LobsterTerrain intersection
Fantastic Sepia CodTerrain intersection
Oblong Carmine SheepTerrain intersection
Glamorous Candy SwallowTerrain intersection
Spicy Plum OysterTerrain intersection
Odd Tartan CanaryTerrain intersection
Ripe Cobalt HyenaTerrain intersection
Striped Sky ElephantTerrain intersection
Amateur Emerald MockingbirdTerrain intersection
Real Fern BlackbirdTerrain intersection
Cheery Orchid MooseTerrain intersection
Smooth Crimson MooseTerrain intersection
Scrawny Raspberry WallabyTerrain intersection
Striped Midnight ZebraDistance insensitivity
Teeny Misty LionDistance insensitivity
Keen Lemonade AlbatrossTerrain intersection
Original Amber DachshundTerrain intersection
Soaring Walnut ShellTerrain intersection
Curly Jade FalconDistance insensitivity
Lucky Cream KookaburraTerrain intersection
Bald Wool CamelDistance insensitivity