Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Shiny Quartz Millipede

Recently Rewarded
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1.2 dBi

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total7577 / 2727140.10173429 IOT
Poc7512 / 2675620.10163563 IOT
Witness5974 / 2541980.10074679 IOT
Beacon247029 / 2641540.00088884 IOT
Data21996 / 795220.00009866 IOT

Denied Edges (92)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Formal Punch EelTerrain intersection
Fresh Navy GriffinTerrain intersection
Keen Gunmetal CheetahTerrain intersection
Clever Seaweed OctopusTerrain intersection
Long Daffodil RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Itchy Ebony FerretTerrain intersection
Scruffy Mauve CodTerrain intersection
Cheerful Dijon PangolinTerrain intersection
Amusing Grape CoyoteTerrain intersection
Electric Golden ChinchillaTerrain intersection
High Admiral NarwhalTerrain intersection
Wobbly Admiral LadybugTerrain intersection
Cool Cider StarlingTerrain intersection
Long Fuzzy LizardTerrain intersection
Happy Holographic TerrierTerrain intersection
Atomic Chartreuse BeeTerrain intersection
Plain Tangelo PangolinTerrain intersection
Merry Sage KoalaTerrain intersection
Melodic Vermilion ParrotTerrain intersection
Mammoth Beige PumaTerrain intersection
Acrobatic Grape RhinoTerrain intersection
Colossal Cinnamon GooseTerrain intersection
Proper Pine OrangutanTerrain intersection
Brief Graphite CobraTerrain intersection
Hot Bamboo DolphinTerrain intersection
Furry Honey RhinoTerrain intersection
Quick Punch ChameleonTerrain intersection
Sticky Garnet FlyTerrain intersection
Salty Blood CricketTerrain intersection
Main Graphite SparrowTerrain intersection
Prehistoric Lace TunaTerrain intersection
Large Vanilla CheetahTerrain intersection
Lone Marmalade ArmadilloTerrain intersection
Cool Merlot TerrierTerrain intersection
Damaged Peach PandaTerrain intersection
Bent Crimson SalamanderTerrain intersection
Boxy Coffee HuskieTerrain intersection
Long Sand GorillaTerrain intersection
Calm Malachite SharkTerrain intersection
Amusing Flint ManateeTerrain intersection
Chilly Turquoise LigerTerrain intersection
Little Honey ChickenTerrain intersection
Bald Ash EelTerrain intersection
Boxy Butter MeerkatTerrain intersection
Creamy Cider TunaTerrain intersection
Amateur Pineapple CapybaraTerrain intersection
Refined Silver GooseTerrain intersection
Sticky Blood ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Short Fiery NarwhalTerrain intersection
Suave Foggy FalconTerrain intersection
Bumpy Mercurial AlligatorTerrain intersection
Wonderful Pearl CaribouTerrain intersection
Eager Saffron RhinoTerrain intersection
Zesty Tangerine CraneTerrain intersection
Early Pewter DuckTerrain intersection
Mini Syrup SalamanderTerrain intersection
Mythical Coffee HaddockTerrain intersection
Fit Chambray AnteaterTerrain intersection
Overt Umber ElkTerrain intersection
Crazy Sand LobsterTerrain intersection
Sour Honeysuckle MoleTerrain intersection
Spare Blonde TerrierTerrain intersection
Lone Crepe UrchinTerrain intersection
Fierce Sky CarpTerrain intersection
Micro Cornflower ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Active Graphite DogTerrain intersection
Docile Chartreuse PangolinTerrain intersection
Crazy Honey DinosaurTerrain intersection
Tricky Mercurial LorisTerrain intersection
Wide Brick OkapiTerrain intersection
Magnificent Purple RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Short Turquoise PelicanTerrain intersection
Careful Syrup CrabTerrain intersection
Crazy Myrtle BadgerTerrain intersection
Special Gingerbread CormorantTerrain intersection
Tricky Oily LobsterTerrain intersection
Harsh Leather WalrusTerrain intersection
Skinny Lemon CheetahTerrain intersection
Blunt Mint GrasshopperTerrain intersection
Keen Ginger StorkTerrain intersection
Cool Slate BadgerTerrain intersection
Basic Malachite IguanaTerrain intersection
Large Jetblack ElkTerrain intersection
Dancing Cider DonkeyTerrain intersection
Breezy Black PelicanTerrain intersection
Dazzling Cedar BarracudaTerrain intersection
Odd Glass OctopusTerrain intersection
Urban Basil YetiTerrain intersection
Restless Lavender FrogTerrain intersection
Trendy Orchid GeckoTerrain intersection
Rough Zinc MinkTerrain intersection
Shaggy Pewter BisonTerrain intersection