Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Creamy Citron Rook

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Transmit Scale



8 dBi


8 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total25942 / 2727140.06522151 IOT
Poc25785 / 2675620.06520178 IOT
Witness29972 / 2541980.05240348 IOT
Beacon5081 / 2641540.0127983 IOT
Data45134 / 795220.00001973 IOT

Denied Edges (62)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Tangy Aqua AlbatrossTerrain intersection
Genuine Rose OstrichTerrain intersection
Crazy Basil PandaTerrain intersection
Real Rainbow SardineTerrain intersection
Narrow Tweed KookaburraTerrain intersection
Loud Grape MonkeyTerrain intersection
Keen Opaque RaccoonTerrain intersection
Plain Graphite ParakeetTerrain intersection
Short Cornflower OkapiTerrain intersection
Beautiful Coral CarpTerrain intersection
Active Hazel WolverineTerrain intersection
Curved Cinnabar FalconTerrain intersection
Strong Orchid NarwhalTerrain intersection
Genuine Black RaccoonTerrain intersection
Sunny Pearl AlligatorTerrain intersection
Lone Cedar TadpoleTerrain intersection
Decent Juniper CheetahTerrain intersection
Young Latte BoarTerrain intersection
Skinny Orange CormorantTerrain intersection
Warm Zinc ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Spicy Denim MallardTerrain intersection
Melted Tan LlamaTerrain intersection
Scrawny Seafoam HawkTerrain intersection
Noisy Mustard TapirTerrain intersection
Sweet Mango GrasshopperTerrain intersection
Quick Quartz LadybugTerrain intersection
Sharp Navy SquirrelTerrain intersection
Stale Plum MustangTerrain intersection
Fast Stone KestrelTerrain intersection
Colossal Pewter ButterflyTerrain intersection
Hidden Vermilion FlamingoTerrain intersection
Curved Saffron KestrelTerrain intersection
Boxy Khaki DeerTerrain intersection
Active Clay BarracudaTerrain intersection
Narrow Ebony SeahorseTerrain intersection
Striped Strawberry JaguarTerrain intersection
Ambitious Carbon LorisTerrain intersection
Cheerful Smoke CraneTerrain intersection
Able Parchment OctopusTerrain intersection
Strong Clear VultureTerrain intersection
Agreeable Tartan SidewinderTerrain intersection
Fantastic Berry FlyTerrain intersection
Shallow Pewter ZebraTerrain intersection
Teeny Fern CyborgTerrain intersection
Furry Crepe LocustTerrain intersection
Strong Bone CopperheadTerrain intersection
Breezy Lime PikeTerrain intersection
Shallow Porcelain DalmatianTerrain intersection
Kind White GoatTerrain intersection
Best Coral MonkeyTerrain intersection
Late Daffodil SnakeTerrain intersection
Attractive Iron PikeTerrain intersection
Faithful Tangerine PigeonTerrain intersection
Active Cinnamon CapybaraTerrain intersection
Mysterious Glossy SealTerrain intersection
Chilly Blood AntelopeTerrain intersection
Eager Cornflower CrocodileTerrain intersection
Beautiful Burlap FinchTerrain intersection
Winning Pewter MillipedeTerrain intersection
Interesting Wool MandrillTerrain intersection
Petite Honeysuckle HyenaTerrain intersection
Narrow Carbon BoarTerrain intersection