Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Great Brunette Finch

Recently Rewarded
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Transmit Scale



4 dBi


8 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total127811 / 2727140.02470622 IOT
Poc127787 / 2675620.0246347 IOT
Witness160526 / 2541980.0118364 IOT
Beacon27975 / 2641540.0127983 IOT
Data26088 / 795220.00007152 IOT

Denied Edges (66)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Recumbent Licorice CopperheadTerrain intersection
Shambolic Khaki TurkeyTerrain intersection
Ancient Quartz StarlingTerrain intersection
Keen Coconut RobinTerrain intersection
Skinny Candy DachshundTerrain intersection
Scruffy Ginger SnakeTerrain intersection
Refined Tangelo RatTerrain intersection
Acrobatic Hemp BaboonTerrain intersection
Feisty Lava PeacockTerrain intersection
Mini Nylon AardvarkTerrain intersection
Short Opal HippoTerrain intersection
Suave Scarlet BuffaloTerrain intersection
Fun Cherry ShellTerrain intersection
Careful Berry GazelleTerrain intersection
Deep Cotton SalamanderTerrain intersection
Soaring Coral MinkTerrain intersection
Recumbent Opaque OrcaTerrain intersection
Best Silver OkapiTerrain intersection
Festive Coral WeaselTerrain intersection
Winning Pecan ZebraTerrain intersection
Calm Lipstick BlackbirdTerrain intersection
Nutty Berry GerbilTerrain intersection
Fancy Mocha SidewinderTerrain intersection
Clean Hemp MinkTerrain intersection
High Strawberry OstrichTerrain intersection
Expert Lace GoatTerrain intersection
Cheery Mandarin JayTerrain intersection
Smooth Dijon ShellTerrain intersection
Abundant Saffron KookaburraTerrain intersection
Soft Paisley CrowTerrain intersection
Jolly Fiery RaccoonTerrain intersection
Bouncy Hazel ButterflyTerrain intersection
Wobbly Gunmetal GorillaTerrain intersection
Formal Sangria FlyTerrain intersection
Elegant Myrtle FalconTerrain intersection
Uneven Azure BuffaloTerrain intersection
Crazy Opaque CowTerrain intersection
Teeny Pear FishTerrain intersection
Sour Laurel WombatTerrain intersection
Swift Chambray TrollTerrain intersection
Electric Pebble SalamanderTerrain intersection
Silly Lavender DragonTerrain intersection
Fit Corduroy OysterTerrain intersection
Bitter Mercurial FoxTerrain intersection
Bitter Alabaster KestrelTerrain intersection
Cool Pearl KestrelTerrain intersection
Best Glass WormTerrain intersection
Gentle Wintergreen OysterTerrain intersection
Micro Blood SnakeTerrain intersection
Acidic Vermilion DachshundTerrain intersection
Orbiting Shamrock BadgerTerrain intersection
Gorgeous Cherry HuskieTerrain intersection
Lively Coffee ApeTerrain intersection
Itchy Chocolate GoblinTerrain intersection
Original Brick AardvarkTerrain intersection
Colossal Oily TarantulaTerrain intersection
Shaggy Gauze GooseTerrain intersection
Large Holographic MustangTerrain intersection
Rough Taffy StarfishTerrain intersection
Skinny Malachite DogTerrain intersection
Young Tangerine CamelTerrain intersection
Loud Foggy GoldfishTerrain intersection
Wonderful Yellow HareTerrain intersection
Precise Taffy CrowTerrain intersection
Exotic Oily TurtleTerrain intersection
Smooth Blush ElkTerrain intersection