Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Boxy Ivory Hawk

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Transmit Scale



10.5 dBi


10 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total104922 / 2727140.03097804 IOT
Poc104612 / 2675620.03097804 IOT
Witness102561 / 2541980.02457889 IOT
Beacon109666 / 2641540.00639915 IOT

Denied Edges (76)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Late Beige ParakeetTerrain intersection
Calm Pewter SwanTerrain intersection
Bubbly Oily KangarooTerrain intersection
Obedient Rouge LizardTerrain intersection
Tart Cyan DragonTerrain intersection
Blunt Denim OctopusTerrain intersection
Jolly Pineapple VultureTerrain intersection
Joyful Tangelo PeacockTerrain intersection
Shaggy Cerulean TarantulaTerrain intersection
Spicy Ivory ScorpionTerrain intersection
Faint Ocean TerrierTerrain intersection
Able Fiery CottonmouthTerrain intersection
Elegant Lavender TrollTerrain intersection
Odd Shamrock LadybugTerrain intersection
Handsome Champagne MantisTerrain intersection
Best Gunmetal PenguinTerrain intersection
Main Cobalt ScallopTerrain intersection
Sour Oily PeacockTerrain intersection
Rural Infrared BuffaloTerrain intersection
Long Tangelo ViperTerrain intersection
Uneven White TunaTerrain intersection
Tiny Pearl RookTerrain intersection
Straight Cherry MongooseTerrain intersection
Upbeat Hotpink DachshundTerrain intersection
Cheesy Concrete FoxTerrain intersection
Shallow Magenta CowTerrain intersection
Scrawny Umber LizardTerrain intersection
Cheery Iris LorisTerrain intersection
Fancy Chambray BoarTerrain intersection
Dapper Yellow YetiTerrain intersection
Bumpy Midnight DogTerrain intersection
Muscular Macaroon SealionTerrain intersection
Proud Licorice HalibutTerrain intersection
Tangy Grape PumaTerrain intersection
Keen Neon NewtTerrain intersection
Original Sage MockingbirdTerrain intersection
Beautiful Orchid SeagullTerrain intersection
Scrawny Metal ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Generous Ginger BeeTerrain intersection
Daring Lime BearTerrain intersection
Curved Banana CormorantTerrain intersection
Savory Carob RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Dazzling Vinyl FerretTerrain intersection
Powerful Velvet ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Rural Maroon OspreyTerrain intersection
Jumpy Sapphire GriffinTerrain intersection
Breezy Mandarin DragonflyTerrain intersection
Fierce Menthol HornetTerrain intersection
Early Aquamarine CrabTerrain intersection
Fantastic Lace JaguarTerrain intersection
Ripe Hazel MoleTerrain intersection
Innocent Gunmetal ChameleonTerrain intersection
Happy Iris MillipedeTerrain intersection
Jolly Olive TroutTerrain intersection
Skinny Smoke PorcupineTerrain intersection
Scruffy Smoke DonkeyTerrain intersection
Chilly Myrtle BadgerTerrain intersection
Slow Burlap SardineTerrain intersection
Keen Bubblegum CoyoteTerrain intersection
Bitter Onyx ParakeetTerrain intersection
Precise Clay HyenaTerrain intersection
Bitter Gunmetal SharkTerrain intersection
Stable Latte RobinTerrain intersection
Faint Cloud ShetlandTerrain intersection
Modern Cloud FrogTerrain intersection
Jumpy Cream BeeTerrain intersection
Colossal Parchment BlackbirdTerrain intersection
Dapper Gingham LlamaTerrain intersection
Real Yellow GerbilTerrain intersection
Rapid Beige OrangutanTerrain intersection
Puny Cinnabar GiraffeTerrain intersection
Festive Misty BeetleTerrain intersection
Fit Menthol PangolinTerrain intersection
Harsh Chrome PantherTerrain intersection
Boxy Banana GoldfishTerrain intersection
Future Opaque RattlesnakeTerrain intersection