Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Feisty Bone Ape

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Transmit Scale



8 dBi


12 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total12284 / 2727140.08592838 IOT
Poc12159 / 2675620.08592345 IOT
Witness12282 / 2541980.07632473 IOT
Beacon67436 / 2641540.00959872 IOT
Data64673 / 795220.00000493 IOT

Denied Edges (86)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Calm Pewter SwanTerrain intersection
Gorgeous Inky GeckoTerrain intersection
Keen Velvet PangolinTerrain intersection
Unique Sable ToadTerrain intersection
Hidden Infrared ChameleonTerrain intersection
Huge Lime FrogTerrain intersection
Late Beige ParakeetTerrain intersection
Faint Ocean TerrierTerrain intersection
Salty Zinc HyenaTerrain intersection
Able Fiery CottonmouthTerrain intersection
Chilly Clear GerbilTerrain intersection
Round Flint BuffaloTerrain intersection
Real Mercurial DolphinTerrain intersection
Urban Lemon CuckooTerrain intersection
Tiny Rainbow PigeonTerrain intersection
Uneven White TunaTerrain intersection
Mysterious Merlot PerchTerrain intersection
Dry Chiffon MinkTerrain intersection
Blurry Sky KookaburraTerrain intersection
Shaggy Olive TunaTerrain intersection
Mini Rosewood WolfTerrain intersection
Cheery Glossy PumaTerrain intersection
Upbeat Hotpink DachshundTerrain intersection
Electric Obsidian BadgerTerrain intersection
Cheesy Concrete FoxTerrain intersection
Stable Ginger TerrierTerrain intersection
Bumpy Latte GoblinTerrain intersection
Cheery Iris LorisTerrain intersection
Sneaky Vinyl ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Slow Pear FoxTerrain intersection
Salty Emerald DragonflyTerrain intersection
Electric Tangelo TortoiseTerrain intersection
Bitter Graphite CobraTerrain intersection
Jumpy Linen DogTerrain intersection
Bald Goldenrod HamsterTerrain intersection
Long Admiral PonyTerrain intersection
Keen Neon NewtTerrain intersection
Agreeable Magenta LynxTerrain intersection
Silly Wool TurkeyTerrain intersection
Scrawny Metal ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Polite Hemp CondorTerrain intersection
Howling Canvas MustangTerrain intersection
Curved Banana CormorantTerrain intersection
Uneven Lipstick PangolinTerrain intersection
Mean Concrete NightingaleTerrain intersection
Soaring Merlot MonkeyTerrain intersection
Powerful Velvet ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Elegant Azure RaccoonTerrain intersection
Innocent Cotton LemurTerrain intersection
Lone Holographic NarwhalTerrain intersection
Deep Macaroon GorillaTerrain intersection
Straight Coral StarfishTerrain intersection
Raspy Obsidian RhinoTerrain intersection
Funny Arctic HawkTerrain intersection
Thankful Onyx WormTerrain intersection
Dandy Frost LarkTerrain intersection
Prehistoric Fleece HawkTerrain intersection
Flaky Onyx GooseTerrain intersection
Innocent Gunmetal ChameleonTerrain intersection
Scruffy Smoke DonkeyTerrain intersection
Damaged Opaque PandaTerrain intersection
Young Ginger LynxTerrain intersection
Swift Amethyst FlamingoTerrain intersection
Vast Maroon CrabTerrain intersection
Steep Quartz ChipmunkTerrain intersection
Keen Bubblegum CoyoteTerrain intersection
Funny Tangelo PangolinTerrain intersection
Agreeable Fuchsia WolverineTerrain intersection
Shaggy Jetblack CorgiTerrain intersection
Fancy Marigold TerrierTerrain intersection
Savory Fleece CarpTerrain intersection
Faint Cloud ShetlandTerrain intersection
Strong Metal RavenTerrain intersection
Glorious Mulberry DragonTerrain intersection
Jumpy Cream BeeTerrain intersection
Skinny Macaroon OpossumTerrain intersection
Blurry Mercurial MouseTerrain intersection
Dapper Gingham LlamaTerrain intersection
Real Yellow GerbilTerrain intersection
Short Pistachio GiraffeTerrain intersection
Puny Cinnabar GiraffeTerrain intersection
Spicy Boysenberry GooseTerrain intersection
Short Lime CormorantTerrain intersection
Future Opaque RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Spare Carob LemurTerrain intersection
Plain Chrome RattlesnakeTerrain intersection