Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Helpful Raspberry Seagull

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Transmit Scale



4 dBi


3 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total264971 / 2727140.00076075 IOT
Poc264253 / 2675620.00076075 IOT
Beacon252344 / 2641540.00076075 IOT

Denied Edges (67)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Faithful Linen HaddockTerrain intersection
Shaggy Taffy ElkTerrain intersection
Bright Emerald EagleTerrain intersection
Odd Fossilized BeeTerrain intersection
Boxy Wooden MooseTerrain intersection
Crazy Corduroy OpossumTerrain intersection
Narrow Mulberry LobsterTerrain intersection
Jumpy Fiery PlatypusTerrain intersection
Shallow Juniper DachshundTerrain intersection
Silly Umber CrowTerrain intersection
Early Gauze KoalaTerrain intersection
Flat Emerald CaterpillarTerrain intersection
Wobbly Grape DragonflyTerrain intersection
Perfect Brick PangolinTerrain intersection
Soaring Hickory BoarTerrain intersection
High Aquamarine CuckooTerrain intersection
Handsome Shamrock SealionTerrain intersection
Restless Aquamarine DoveTerrain intersection
Lively Leather MonkeyTerrain intersection
Shallow Grey AntelopeTerrain intersection
Bouncy Brown BoaTerrain intersection
Shiny Khaki BaboonTerrain intersection
Bent Green TunaTerrain intersection
Nutty Raspberry NuthatchTerrain intersection
Salty Nylon ElkTerrain intersection
Proper Smoke MockingbirdTerrain intersection
Magnificent Burlap AardvarkTerrain intersection
Fantastic Blush SawfishTerrain intersection
Lucky Eggplant UrchinTerrain intersection
Straight Chartreuse BadgerTerrain intersection
Huge Strawberry PangolinTerrain intersection
Small Peanut BlackbirdTerrain intersection
Broad Mercurial LemurTerrain intersection
Hollow Mossy ChinchillaTerrain intersection
Harsh Hazelnut DogTerrain intersection
Chilly Glossy MantarayTerrain intersection
Orbiting Hazelnut LeopardTerrain intersection
Digital Taupe KittenTerrain intersection
Colossal Punch UrchinTerrain intersection
Bald Fossilized NuthatchTerrain intersection
Polished Daisy PikeTerrain intersection
Long Lemonade HyenaTerrain intersection
Alert Red CodTerrain intersection
Bubbly Neon DinosaurTerrain intersection
Magic Lace OkapiTerrain intersection
Spicy Cerulean HareTerrain intersection
Fit Tangelo RoosterTerrain intersection
Trendy Tawny DolphinTerrain intersection
Hot Eggshell LynxTerrain intersection
Clean Honey HawkTerrain intersection
Lone Rouge AlbatrossTerrain intersection
Acidic Blue AntelopeTerrain intersection
Decent Mercurial EagleTerrain intersection
Colossal Mahogany AlpacaTerrain intersection
Itchy Vermilion ShetlandTerrain intersection
Cheesy Mocha NarwhalTerrain intersection
Delightful Vinyl AntTerrain intersection
Petite Vinyl MantisTerrain intersection
Brief Syrup CopperheadTerrain intersection
Sweet Tan StarfishTerrain intersection
Magic Strawberry ShetlandTerrain intersection
Beautiful Laurel ChickenTerrain intersection
Little Bronze AntTerrain intersection
Elegant Glossy RobinTerrain intersection
Refined Peanut PlatypusTerrain intersection
Large Daisy MooseTerrain intersection
Tricky Bronze RatTerrain intersection