Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Narrow Bamboo Grasshopper
(SenseCAP IOT)
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Transmit Scale
5.8 dBi
3 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
84845 / 266475
0.05520372 IOT
87644 / 261162
0.05365447 IOT
105454 / 248834
0.03523031 IOT
22671 / 257842
0.01842416 IOT
5162 / 83037
0.00154925 IOT
Denied Edges (120)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Sneaky Wooden Beetle
Terrain intersection
Furry Hazel Moth
Terrain intersection
Handsome Magenta Cougar
Terrain intersection
Helpful Malachite Boar
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Frost Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Late Vinyl Bat
Terrain intersection
Tangy Chambray Baboon
Terrain intersection
Narrow Burlap Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Tart Eggplant Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Marigold Yeti
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Khaki Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Rare Gingham Barbel
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Charcoal Lion
Terrain intersection
Petite Peach Swallow
Terrain intersection
Attractive Quartz Fly
Terrain intersection
Soaring Marmalade Tapir
Terrain intersection
Keen Licorice Corgi
Terrain intersection
Steep Purple Crab
Terrain intersection
Suave Arctic Albatross
Terrain intersection
Fun Peach Spider
Terrain intersection
Skinny Blue Bee
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Mahogany Bird
Terrain intersection
Happy Carmine Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Late Shadow Cormorant
Terrain intersection
Radiant Paisley Dog
Terrain intersection
Wide Aegean Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Cool Coffee Pony
Terrain intersection
Dancing Graphite Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Zesty Golden Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Micro Citron Vulture
Terrain intersection
Quiet Garnet Rook
Terrain intersection
Dry Maroon Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Real Charcoal Hare
Terrain intersection
Long Sangria Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Wide Ceramic Hare
Terrain intersection
Generous Watermelon Griffin
Terrain intersection
Tricky Bone Opossum
Terrain intersection
Sticky Tangelo Lark
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Oily Salamander
Terrain intersection
Raspy Pineapple Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Blunt Fiery Crane
Terrain intersection
Wide Tawny Monkey
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Tiger Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Faint Sand Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Narrow Ruby Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Passive Chiffon Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Sticky Cinnamon Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Cherry Lark
Terrain intersection
Rare Burgundy Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Clever Cinnabar Lark
Terrain intersection
Bald Navy Cricket
Terrain intersection
Careful Orchid Rat
Terrain intersection
Fast Chrome Cobra
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Honeysuckle Donkey
Terrain intersection
Powerful Mulberry Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Raspy Beige Llama
Terrain intersection
Soaring Vanilla Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Lucky Holographic Pelican
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Obsidian Albatross
Terrain intersection
Strong Chili Ferret
Terrain intersection
Itchy Cloth Lobster
Terrain intersection
Refined Marmalade Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Golden Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Uneven Pine Octopus
Terrain intersection
Blunt Lace Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Happy Brunette Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Square Coral Dog
Terrain intersection
Blunt Fuzzy Trout
Terrain intersection
Expert Frost Yeti
Terrain intersection
Quiet Canvas Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Vast Purple Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Silver Terrier
Terrain intersection
Thankful Corduroy Huskie
Terrain intersection
Sharp Lipstick Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Blush Tuna
Terrain intersection
Muscular Merlot Boa
Terrain intersection
Atomic Eggplant Reindeer
Terrain intersection
High Teal Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Soft Merlot Salmon
Terrain intersection
Brisk Cinnabar Eel
Terrain intersection
Muscular Licorice Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Witty Mocha Jay
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Bubblegum Leopard
Terrain intersection
Long Crepe Stork
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Iris Ladybug
Terrain intersection
Small Hotpink Salamander
Terrain intersection
Fresh Parchment Beetle
Terrain intersection
Virtual Steel Cougar
Terrain intersection
Itchy Charcoal Beetle
Terrain intersection
Elegant Gunmetal Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Strawberry Bee
Terrain intersection
Digital Satin Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Wild White Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Fit Obsidian Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Amethyst Quail
Terrain intersection
Agreeable Fiery Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Fun Jade Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Happy Red Chimpanzee
Terrain intersection
Bouncy Cider Crow
Terrain intersection
Sunny Linen Chinchilla
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Glossy Walrus
Terrain intersection
Swift Sable Sardine
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Lace Piranha
Terrain intersection
Smooth Grape Snail
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Parchment Spider
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Magenta Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Mint Fly
Terrain intersection
Fierce Rusty Antelope
Terrain intersection
Short Violet Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Obedient Pickle Badger
Terrain intersection
Warm Cotton Cod
Terrain intersection
Noisy Daisy Urchin
Terrain intersection
Quiet Rose Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Cool Ginger Ram
Terrain intersection
Cool Lemonade Cow
Terrain intersection
Wide Porcelain Platypus
Terrain intersection
Festive Coal Capybara
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Berry Tuna
Terrain intersection
Steep Coral Salamander
Terrain intersection
Tall Golden Marmot
Terrain intersection