Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Lively Rainbow Lemur
(Controllino IOT)
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2.2 dBi
7 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Rank Type
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Rewarded (IOT)
Denied Edges (99)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Narrow Mulberry Lobster
Terrain intersection
Jumpy Fiery Platypus
Terrain intersection
Spicy Mercurial Hornet
Terrain intersection
Odd Fossilized Bee
Terrain intersection
Boxy Boysenberry Llama
Terrain intersection
Boxy Wooden Moose
Terrain intersection
Festive Blue Dove
Terrain intersection
Old Menthol Finch
Terrain intersection
Steep Ultraviolet Corgi
Terrain intersection
Silly Umber Crow
Terrain intersection
Early Gauze Koala
Terrain intersection
Abundant Inky Crane
Terrain intersection
Festive Daisy Hornet
Terrain intersection
Perfect Brick Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Soaring Hickory Boar
Terrain intersection
High Aquamarine Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Massive Purple Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Restless Aquamarine Dove
Terrain intersection
Lively Leather Monkey
Terrain intersection
Shallow Grey Antelope
Terrain intersection
Lone Ceramic Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Salty Rouge Griffin
Terrain intersection
Shiny Khaki Baboon
Terrain intersection
Proper Smoke Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Creamy Navy Turtle
Terrain intersection
Brave Lead Locust
Terrain intersection
Lucky Eggplant Urchin
Terrain intersection
Interesting Walnut Millipede
Terrain intersection
Joyous Parchment Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Straight Chartreuse Badger
Terrain intersection
Huge Strawberry Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Flat Cloth Ram
Terrain intersection
Keen Tweed Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Small Peanut Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Best Chambray Halibut
Terrain intersection
Tiny Carrot Chicken
Terrain intersection
Able Lavender Wren
Terrain intersection
Funny Quartz Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Young Infrared Lizard
Terrain intersection
Handsome Holographic Guppy
Terrain intersection
Digital Taupe Kitten
Terrain intersection
Colossal Punch Urchin
Terrain intersection
Careful Coconut Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Overt Dijon Goblin
Terrain intersection
Radiant Admiral Pony
Terrain intersection
Great Gunmetal Seahorse
Terrain intersection
Tiny Beige Terrier
Terrain intersection
Crazy Tangerine Urchin
Terrain intersection
Hidden Cloth Stork
Terrain intersection
Bitter Sandstone Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Polished Daisy Pike
Terrain intersection
Colossal Nylon Duck
Terrain intersection
Striped Tin Poodle
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Pebble Owl
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Lime Jay
Terrain intersection
Teeny Lavender Shark
Terrain intersection
Expert Goldenrod Hare
Terrain intersection
Obedient Cyan Puppy
Terrain intersection
Brave Aegean Guppy
Terrain intersection
Dry Fuchsia Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Low Hickory Boar
Terrain intersection
Muscular Seaweed Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Happy Marigold Cricket
Terrain intersection
Fit Tangelo Rooster
Terrain intersection
Striped Amethyst Ant
Terrain intersection
Little Lemon Penguin
Terrain intersection
Trendy Tawny Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Proud Wintergreen Deer
Terrain intersection
Hot Eggshell Lynx
Terrain intersection
Damp Raisin Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Clean Honey Hawk
Terrain intersection
Zesty Topaz Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Smooth Cedar Monkey
Terrain intersection
Lone Rouge Albatross
Terrain intersection
Bright Powder Scallop
Terrain intersection
Itchy Vermilion Shetland
Terrain intersection
Electric Rouge Caribou
Terrain intersection
Active Clear Ferret
Terrain intersection
Tangy Iris Swan
Terrain intersection
Brief Syrup Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Glass Bull
Terrain intersection
Virtual Gingham Hawk
Terrain intersection
Sweet Tan Starfish
Terrain intersection
Crazy Ceramic Swallow
Terrain intersection
Muscular Quartz Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Magic Strawberry Shetland
Terrain intersection
Perfect Merlot Badger
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Laurel Chicken
Terrain intersection
Little Bronze Ant
Terrain intersection
Elegant Glossy Robin
Terrain intersection
Refined Peanut Platypus
Terrain intersection
Large Daisy Moose
Terrain intersection
Damaged Green Robin
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Banana Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Faithful Linen Haddock
Terrain intersection
Dapper Gingham Lion
Terrain intersection
Festive Mint Gecko
Terrain intersection
Quaint Snowy Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Taffy Elk
Terrain intersection