Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Zealous Seaweed Jaguar
(SenseCAP IOT)
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Transmit Scale
7.7 dBi
9 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
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Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
Denied Edges (111)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Melodic Brunette Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Genuine Wintergreen Yeti
Terrain intersection
Ripe White Iguana
Terrain intersection
Huge Mauve Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Exotic Carob Lark
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Cedar Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Unique Ultraviolet Lobster
Terrain intersection
Elegant Felt Puppy
Terrain intersection
Joyful Citron Capybara
Terrain intersection
Energetic Turquoise Spider
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Berry Manatee
Terrain intersection
Real Spruce Beetle
Terrain intersection
Suave Peanut Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Immense Satin Newt
Terrain intersection
Hot Ginger Lemur
Terrain intersection
Mysterious Mulberry Zebra
Terrain intersection
Fresh Sage Sloth
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Cloth Millipede
Terrain intersection
Lively Scarlet Robin
Terrain intersection
Funny Menthol Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Keen Rouge Alligator
Terrain intersection
Glorious Sepia Wallaby
Distance insensitivity
Prehistoric Punch Viper
Terrain intersection
Gentle Wool Huskie
Terrain intersection
Tiny Cornflower Perch
Terrain intersection
Early Coconut Alligator
Terrain intersection
Suave Ash Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Petite Cloud Dragon
Terrain intersection
Broad Hickory Scallop
Terrain intersection
Stale Tiger Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Gentle Frost Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Modern Sable Huskie
Terrain intersection
Oblong Steel Sloth
Terrain intersection
Careful Olive Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Curved Cinnamon Elk
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Orchid Condor
Terrain intersection
Restless Seafoam Caribou
Terrain intersection
Delightful Eggplant Crane
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Purple Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Hazelnut Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Agreeable Ash Peacock
Terrain intersection
Alert Juniper Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Warm Strawberry Swallow
Terrain intersection
Acidic Seaweed Leopard
Terrain intersection
Plain Blood Finch
Terrain intersection
Electric Tangerine Mouse
Terrain intersection
Merry Champagne Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Huge Ash Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Vanilla Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Blurry Olive Badger
Terrain intersection
Plain Emerald Turkey
Terrain intersection
Proud Cyan Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Straight Mahogany Loris
Terrain intersection
Wild Steel Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Happy Pastel Leopard
Terrain intersection
Sticky Tawny Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Muscular Mercurial Terrier
Terrain intersection
Striped Glass Boa
Terrain intersection
Daring Holographic Opossum
Terrain intersection
Sleepy Sand Ferret
Terrain intersection
Spicy Chiffon Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Mini Pistachio Okapi
Terrain intersection
Wild Citron Moth
Terrain intersection
Striped Steel Goat
Terrain intersection
Basic Burlap Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Mythical Myrtle Turtle
Terrain intersection
Powerful Gauze Hare
Terrain intersection
Cheery Velvet Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Mythical Macaroon Caribou
Terrain intersection
Rapid Chili Goldfish
Terrain intersection
Short Jetblack Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Hot Clay Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Hidden Jade Donkey
Terrain intersection
Sunny Tawny Wombat
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Infrared Donkey
Terrain intersection
Helpful Cinnabar Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Bald Macaroon Hamster
Terrain intersection
Puny Oily Turtle
Terrain intersection
Blurry Eggplant Lizard
Terrain intersection
Noisy Lemon Lizard
Terrain intersection
Short Smoke Skunk
Terrain intersection
Genuine Fleece Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Strong Admiral Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Blunt Amethyst Walrus
Terrain intersection
Exotic Felt Huskie
Terrain intersection
Hot Pink Lynx
Terrain intersection
Short Tangerine Lizard
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Brunette Deer
Terrain intersection
Cheery Mocha Gecko
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Burlap Viper
Terrain intersection
Zealous Coffee Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Icy Merlot Rooster
Terrain intersection
Urban Cloud Lobster
Terrain intersection
Tiny Infrared Sloth
Terrain intersection
Smooth White Hyena
Terrain intersection
Hot Carrot Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Funny Rainbow Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Real Hazelnut Barbel
Terrain intersection
Expert Punch Mouse
Terrain intersection
Fresh Garnet Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Clay Alligator
Terrain intersection
Genuine Cedar Huskie
Terrain intersection
Tangy Punch Yeti
Terrain intersection
Sticky Ebony Frog
Terrain intersection
Happy Champagne Locust
Terrain intersection
Brave Turquoise Caribou
Terrain intersection
Suave Myrtle Puma
Terrain intersection
Active Bamboo Wasp
Terrain intersection
Long Chocolate Hornet
Terrain intersection
Warm Hazelnut Worm
Terrain intersection
Massive Bubblegum Rook
Terrain intersection