Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Mysterious Heather Jay

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Transmit Scale



6 dBi


12 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total7301 / 2727140.103011 IOT
Poc7228 / 2675620.10299621 IOT
Witness6674 / 2541980.09668353 IOT
Beacon120475 / 2641540.00631268 IOT
Data48991 / 795220.00001479 IOT

Denied Edges (68)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Smooth Peanut CowTerrain intersection
Tangy Orchid ChimpanzeeTerrain intersection
Steep Mossy PangolinTerrain intersection
Generous Nylon UnicornTerrain intersection
Able Rosewood HareTerrain intersection
Ambitious Daffodil RatTerrain intersection
Precise Juniper PoodleTerrain intersection
Eager Turquoise HyenaTerrain intersection
Glorious Hazel KoalaTerrain intersection
Cheerful Pine SardineTerrain intersection
Suave Blue WolverineTerrain intersection
Small Lead LorisTerrain intersection
Cold Paisley HyenaTerrain intersection
Future Bamboo PigeonTerrain intersection
Radiant Indigo StarfishTerrain intersection
Future Admiral PeacockTerrain intersection
Polite Chambray LemurTerrain intersection
Rough Latte RaccoonTerrain intersection
Damaged Brown SparrowTerrain intersection
Quick Nylon MuleTerrain intersection
Expert Chambray RattlesnakeTerrain intersection
Glamorous Gunmetal HippoTerrain intersection
Atomic Graphite SeahorseTerrain intersection
Helpful Pewter LobsterTerrain intersection
Bald Foggy PenguinTerrain intersection
Keen Eggplant ShellTerrain intersection
Melodic Clear CatTerrain intersection
Polite Berry PiranhaTerrain intersection
Brisk Gauze WolverineTerrain intersection
Breezy Turquoise PorpoiseTerrain intersection
Winning Rusty GoblinTerrain intersection
Rapid Blue YakTerrain intersection
Blurry Green PorcupineTerrain intersection
Eager Berry CodTerrain intersection
Glamorous Pineapple FerretTerrain intersection
Fit Cornflower MillipedeTerrain intersection
Straight Canvas ReindeerTerrain intersection
Sour Coconut AlligatorTerrain intersection
Able Marmalade KangarooTerrain intersection
Bumpy Cerulean HornetTerrain intersection
Salty Peanut ParrotTerrain intersection
Melted Pickle AardvarkTerrain intersection
Skinny Pine GiraffeTerrain intersection
Flaky Slate CowTerrain intersection
Nice Licorice CatTerrain intersection
Hollow Ebony CamelTerrain intersection
Proud Tweed CuckooTerrain intersection
Special Wooden GrasshopperTerrain intersection
Innocent Basil SnailTerrain intersection
Basic Concrete GuppyTerrain intersection
Sour Admiral HedgehogTerrain intersection
Great Canvas PiranhaTerrain intersection
Stale Iris LionTerrain intersection
Trendy Menthol NarwhalTerrain intersection
Fun Tawny MallardTerrain intersection
Micro Pewter MammothTerrain intersection
Restless Cornflower StarfishTerrain intersection
Sparkly Lavender BoaTerrain intersection
Macho Tangerine MallardTerrain intersection
Wobbly Coffee ZebraTerrain intersection
Precise Rosewood UrchinTerrain intersection
Strong Walnut GibbonTerrain intersection
Chilly Rouge MantisTerrain intersection
Genuine Glass VultureTerrain intersection
Noisy Onyx TroutTerrain intersection
Crazy Eggshell BoarTerrain intersection
Rhythmic Opaque PigeonTerrain intersection
Best Mulberry KangarooTerrain intersection