Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Wobbly Foggy Peacock
(SenseCAP IOT)
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Transmit Scale
8 dBi
25 m
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
77896 / 264943
0.0596462 IOT
77741 / 259755
0.05959745 IOT
93181 / 247393
0.04042648 IOT
2111 / 254954
0.01917097 IOT
37158 / 81637
0.00004875 IOT
Denied Edges (130)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Dizzy Bone Marmot
Terrain intersection
Vast Wool Koala
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Taffy Elk
Terrain intersection
Short Pastel Frog
Terrain intersection
Brief Syrup Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Witty Daffodil Stallion
Terrain intersection
Overt Dijon Goblin
Terrain intersection
Quaint Ebony Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Melted Crepe Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Long Chiffon Liger
Terrain intersection
Abundant Red Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Young Sable Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Bitter Hotpink Gecko
Terrain intersection
Jolly Magenta Frog
Terrain intersection
Basic Sepia Corgi
Terrain intersection
High Coconut Shell
Terrain intersection
Square Shamrock Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Long Umber Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Happy Pebble Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Bald Vinyl Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Dapper Gingham Lion
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Blush Bird
Terrain intersection
Lucky Tin Cat
Terrain intersection
Short Pastel Quail
Terrain intersection
Small Peanut Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Original Carob Jellyfish
Terrain intersection
Wide Alabaster Bee
Terrain intersection
Colossal Mahogany Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Expert Tartan Condor
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Mint Parrot
Terrain intersection
Best Chambray Halibut
Terrain intersection
Flat Neon Boa
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Oily Scallop
Terrain intersection
Breezy Fuchsia Lobster
Terrain intersection
Clean Honey Hawk
Terrain intersection
Long Blood Snake
Terrain intersection
Tart Shamrock Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Steep Ultraviolet Corgi
Terrain intersection
Virtual Gingham Hawk
Terrain intersection
Joyous Parchment Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Ancient Cinnabar Hyena
Terrain intersection
Attractive Satin Moth
Terrain intersection
Bright Arctic Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Brisk Ebony Puma
Terrain intersection
Itchy Steel Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Magic Strawberry Shetland
Terrain intersection
Interesting Blush Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Acidic Blue Antelope
Terrain intersection
Interesting Walnut Millipede
Terrain intersection
Overt Sangria Penguin
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Snowy Orca
Terrain intersection
Handsome Cream Ape
Terrain intersection
Unique Fiery Wolf
Terrain intersection
Flat Gauze Goblin
Terrain intersection
Lone Tawny Boar
Terrain intersection
Expert Corduroy Crane
Terrain intersection
Striped Silver Barbel
Terrain intersection
Wonderful White Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Broad Red Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Macho Coconut Caribou
Terrain intersection
Hot Eggshell Lynx
Terrain intersection
Sticky Merlot Beetle
Terrain intersection
Teeny Merlot Swallow
Terrain intersection
Tiny Glossy Dove
Terrain intersection
Big Violet Iguana
Terrain intersection
Exotic Opal Panther
Terrain intersection
Salty Cedar Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Wide Pear Condor
Terrain intersection
Curly Bronze Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Brisk Carmine Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Amateur Cider Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Early Tiger Lynx
Terrain intersection
Mythical Ash Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Expert Gunmetal Otter
Terrain intersection
Suave Rainbow Piranha
Terrain intersection
Radiant Mandarin Pony
Terrain intersection
Flat Malachite Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Shallow Parchment Wombat
Terrain intersection
Petite Obsidian Orangutan
Terrain intersection
Glorious Chili Raven
Terrain intersection
Huge Strawberry Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Attractive Brown Hamster
Terrain intersection
Swift Orange Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Obedient Laurel Raven
Terrain intersection
Ancient Wool Mole
Terrain intersection
Lively Pineapple Haddock
Terrain intersection
Festive Blue Dove
Terrain intersection
Howling Ruby Buffalo
Terrain intersection
High Eggplant Sloth
Terrain intersection
Funny Quartz Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Basic Daisy Cougar
Terrain intersection
Striped Tin Poodle
Terrain intersection
Active Wooden Wasp
Terrain intersection
Basic Taffy Barbel
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Vinyl Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Winning Denim Lizard
Terrain intersection
Late Goldenrod Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Quartz Iguana
Terrain intersection
Happy Marigold Cricket
Terrain intersection
Suave Pebble Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Snowy Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Mammoth Opal Cougar
Terrain intersection
Curly Watermelon Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Polished Daisy Pike
Terrain intersection
Dry Hickory Baboon
Terrain intersection
Active Clear Ferret
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Laurel Chicken
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Myrtle Hawk
Terrain intersection
Smooth Currant Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Kind Citron Baboon
Terrain intersection
Petite Peach Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Emerald Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Colossal Punch Urchin
Terrain intersection
Shallow Juniper Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Modern Wooden Hyena
Terrain intersection
Formal Steel Rook
Terrain intersection
Proper Opaque Cow
Terrain intersection
Sweet Peach Turkey
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Peanut Donkey
Terrain intersection
Immense Bubblegum Nightingale
Terrain intersection
Brave Lead Locust
Terrain intersection
Lucky Eggplant Urchin
Terrain intersection
Fit Tangelo Rooster
Terrain intersection
Proper Rainbow Cobra
Terrain intersection
Wide Menthol Pelican
Terrain intersection
Festive Daisy Hornet
Terrain intersection
Cool Turquoise Stallion
Terrain intersection
Docile Midnight Tarantula
Terrain intersection
High Aquamarine Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Massive Purple Reindeer
Terrain intersection