Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Rhythmic Myrtle Otter
(Browan/MerryIoT IOT)
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8 dBi
8 m
Earnings (HNT)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
56551 / 268473
0.06663974 IOT
56370 / 263200
0.06658808 IOT
46147 / 250498
0.060407 IOT
157321 / 259932
0.00618108 IOT
36563 / 83819
0.00005166 IOT
Denied Edges (120)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Noisy Chartreuse Cougar
Terrain intersection
Itchy Wintergreen Goose
Terrain intersection
Hollow Ceramic Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Rosewood Duck
Terrain intersection
Careful Tawny Cougar
Terrain intersection
Magic Cerulean Squid
Terrain intersection
Fun Cobalt Baboon
Terrain intersection
Long Golden Leopard
Terrain intersection
Crazy Lemonade Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Swift Leather Penguin
Terrain intersection
Hollow Azure Kitten
Terrain intersection
Keen Bamboo Tuna
Terrain intersection
Bent Slate Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Loud Eggplant Whale
Terrain intersection
Micro Myrtle Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Obedient Daffodil Bird
Terrain intersection
Round Cotton Squid
Terrain intersection
Sour Pecan Sloth
Terrain intersection
Jolly Ultraviolet Wombat
Terrain intersection
Dry Spruce Lark
Terrain intersection
Lucky Scarlet Newt
Terrain intersection
Swift Wooden Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Eggshell Python
Terrain intersection
Rough Gauze Hornet
Terrain intersection
Soft Violet Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Calm Cinnabar Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Great Blush Fish
Terrain intersection
Steep Quartz Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Eggshell Shell
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Daffodil Snake
Terrain intersection
Little Fuzzy Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Alert Mocha Mole
Terrain intersection
Blunt Raspberry Fish
Terrain intersection
Vast Pear Python
Terrain intersection
Precise Crimson Barbel
Terrain intersection
Quick Seafoam Otter
Terrain intersection
Radiant Azure Chinchilla
Terrain intersection
Short Magenta Deer
Terrain intersection
Steep Canvas Camel
Terrain intersection
Abundant Raisin Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Huge Mercurial Goblin
Terrain intersection
Damp Glass Shetland
Terrain intersection
Brilliant Jetblack Wolf
Terrain intersection
Bent Currant Seagull
Terrain intersection
Immense Coconut Fly
Terrain intersection
Mythical Ash Tapir
Terrain intersection
Fit Nylon Lion
Terrain intersection
Odd Cinnamon Starfish
Terrain intersection
Furry Midnight Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Noisy Teal Fish
Terrain intersection
Hot Raisin Terrier
Terrain intersection
Restless Cloth Huskie
Terrain intersection
Chilly Porcelain Goldfish
Terrain intersection
Expert Berry Deer
Terrain intersection
Zealous Mossy Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Long Lipstick Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Muscular Vinyl Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Azure Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Soaring Brick Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Rich Brunette Wolf
Terrain intersection
Zany Coffee Manatee
Terrain intersection
Sticky Butter Albatross
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Gauze Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Real Pecan Hamster
Terrain intersection
Deep Macaroon Tapir
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Pickle Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Clever Bronze Panther
Terrain intersection
Vast Licorice Puppy
Terrain intersection
Strong Eggshell Falcon
Terrain intersection
Massive White Perch
Terrain intersection
Elegant Yellow Rook
Terrain intersection
Gentle Concrete Finch
Terrain intersection
Shiny Fleece Crow
Terrain intersection
Hot Cream Piranha
Terrain intersection
Wide Fern Donkey
Terrain intersection
Raspy Blue Mole
Terrain intersection
Tiny Amethyst Skunk
Terrain intersection
Spare Chartreuse Sealion
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Honeysuckle Rhino
Terrain intersection
Nice Eggshell Beaver
Terrain intersection
Shallow Pistachio Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Calm Amber Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Swift Punch Horse
Terrain intersection
Cheery Garnet Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Colossal Sepia Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Damp Orange Horse
Terrain intersection
Brisk Aqua Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Oblong Fern Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Formal Admiral Tiger
Terrain intersection
Polite Macaroon Goblin
Terrain intersection
Bouncy Mandarin Lark
Terrain intersection
Damp Boysenberry Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Atomic Macaroon Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Noisy Fern Badger
Terrain intersection
Teeny Dijon Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Lucky Fuzzy Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Winning Seafoam Mallard
Terrain intersection
Slow Tiger Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Colossal Neon Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Tricky Lilac Seagull
Terrain intersection
Energetic Neon Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Raspberry Seal
Terrain intersection
Round Velvet Badger
Terrain intersection
Harsh Stone Capybara
Terrain intersection
Handsome Admiral Bear
Terrain intersection
Early Juniper Wolverine
Terrain intersection
Rough Cider Piranha
Terrain intersection
Furry Mandarin Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Holographic Weasel
Terrain intersection
Hot Chiffon Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Colossal Magenta Badger
Terrain intersection
Noisy Currant Turkey
Terrain intersection
Alert Lilac Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Uneven Licorice Eel
Terrain intersection
Breezy Aegean Puppy
Terrain intersection
Kind Rusty Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Skinny Pineapple Pike
Terrain intersection
Acidic Hotpink Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Old Fiery Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Silly Onyx Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection