Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Quick Watermelon Armadillo
(SenseCAP IOT)
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Transmit Scale
12 dBi
30 m
Earnings (HNT)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
9226 / 266848
0.13815677 IOT
9139 / 262050
0.13815677 IOT
10063 / 249169
0.1200293 IOT
33405 / 258615
0.01812747 IOT
Denied Edges (113)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Wild Oily Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Formal Amber Sloth
Terrain intersection
Merry Eggplant Dog
Terrain intersection
Massive Lead Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Decent Saffron Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Nice Lipstick Seahorse
Terrain intersection
Glorious Gunmetal Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Cinnabar Stallion
Terrain intersection
Salty Plum Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Rich Hotpink Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Broad Peach Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Melted Concrete Pelican
Terrain intersection
Shallow Cinnamon Lion
Terrain intersection
Digital Mauve Orca
Terrain intersection
Kind Blonde Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Special Admiral Seagull
Terrain intersection
Muscular Seafoam Platypus
Terrain intersection
Gentle Graphite Duck
Terrain intersection
Attractive Iron Okapi
Terrain intersection
Low Mulberry Tiger
Terrain intersection
Small Azure Crow
Terrain intersection
Damaged Pink Cod
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Cherry Eel
Terrain intersection
Urban Holographic Sheep
Terrain intersection
Future Fleece Starling
Terrain intersection
Feisty Coconut Coyote
Terrain intersection
Perfect Coffee Swan
Terrain intersection
Large Goldenrod Pelican
Terrain intersection
Jolly Blush Anteater
Terrain intersection
Strong Ash Parrot
Terrain intersection
Nutty Felt Quail
Terrain intersection
Fun Chili Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Handsome Brown Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Attractive Indigo Lynx
Terrain intersection
Careful Ebony Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Keen Khaki Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Bright Pecan Swallow
Terrain intersection
Future Sage Osprey
Terrain intersection
Cheery Gingham Quail
Terrain intersection
Able Fiery Shark
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Tangelo Ostrich
Terrain intersection
Clean Holographic Wombat
Terrain intersection
Nice Blue Toad
Terrain intersection
Rough Juniper Walrus
Terrain intersection
Fancy Graphite Llama
Terrain intersection
Early Misty Kitten
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Emerald Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Generous Magenta Salamander
Terrain intersection
Calm Azure Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Zesty Ebony Wolf
Terrain intersection
Special Mandarin Piranha
Terrain intersection
Stable Khaki Alligator
Terrain intersection
Old Ruby Rat
Terrain intersection
Curly Bubblegum Sardine
Terrain intersection
Cool Taupe Ferret
Terrain intersection
Large Lead Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Colossal Hotpink Piranha
Terrain intersection
Faint Green Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Skinny Cedar Beetle
Terrain intersection
Sunny Infrared Newt
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Bronze Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Fun Misty Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Cider Bee
Terrain intersection
Thankful Berry Alpaca
Terrain intersection
Brisk Honeysuckle Moose
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Pineapple Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Low Peach Crane
Terrain intersection
Flat Denim Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Jolly Daffodil Platypus
Terrain intersection
Skinny Inky Poodle
Terrain intersection
Elegant Tan Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Straight Juniper Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Restless Raspberry Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Special Chrome Bison
Terrain intersection
Original Porcelain Coyote
Terrain intersection
Wide Pineapple Platypus
Terrain intersection
Oblong Magenta Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Strong Quartz Salamander
Terrain intersection
Attractive Wintergreen Swift
Terrain intersection
Sleepy Wintergreen Ant
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Violet Ferret
Terrain intersection
Uneven Oily Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Quick Oily Parakeet
Terrain intersection
High Sepia Cricket
Terrain intersection
Flat Green Goose
Terrain intersection
Careful Coal Toad
Terrain intersection
Magic Lime Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Calm Tiger Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Short Lipstick Bat
Terrain intersection
Broad Emerald Bear
Terrain intersection
Passive Hickory Otter
Terrain intersection
Swift Foggy Koala
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Wooden Wasp
Terrain intersection
Curly Quartz Llama
Distance insensitivity
Restless Pine Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Tall Chartreuse Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Dandy Lead Toad
Terrain intersection
Curly Topaz Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Decent Punch Corgi
Terrain intersection
Fancy Mango Snail
Terrain intersection
Hot Fiery Nuthatch
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Cider Ferret
Terrain intersection
Fierce Sepia Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Daring Yellow Hare
Terrain intersection
Original Mahogany Anteater
Terrain intersection
Cheesy Ocean Robin
Terrain intersection
Attractive Tan Mole
Terrain intersection
Blunt Rusty Badger
Terrain intersection
Bent Myrtle Mouse
Terrain intersection
Rough Spruce Fish
Terrain intersection
Alert Carbon Chimpanzee
Terrain intersection
Massive Honeysuckle Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Short Emerald Boar
Terrain intersection