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Helium Explorer
Keen Linen Monkey
(Bobcat IOT)
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Transmit Scale
13 dBi
10 m
Earnings (UTC)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
IOT Reward Breakdown
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
29206 / 273913
529.445885 IOT
29031 / 269142
529.445885 IOT
29465 / 255318
450.739554 IOT
73524 / 265688
78.706331 IOT
Denied Edges (113)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Hot Dijon Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Tricky Mauve Opossum
Terrain intersection
Bright Viridian Toad
Terrain intersection
Creamy Pineapple Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Puny Carbon Starfish
Terrain intersection
Electric Banana Hornet
Terrain intersection
Howling Peach Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Nutty Gunmetal Starfish
Terrain intersection
Slow Orchid Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Docile Banana Zebra
Terrain intersection
Witty Mango Troll
Terrain intersection
Feisty Holographic Panther
Terrain intersection
Swift Wintergreen Locust
Terrain intersection
Atomic Garnet Eagle
Terrain intersection
Pet Rainbow Wolverine
Terrain intersection
Formal Blush Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Umber Viper
Terrain intersection
Fast Lemon Condor
Terrain intersection
Itchy Boysenberry Cat
Terrain intersection
Attractive Violet Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Bumpy Onyx Anteater
Terrain intersection
Melodic Ginger Coyote
Terrain intersection
Amusing Navy Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Radiant Brick Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Zealous Butter Vulture
Terrain intersection
Wild Metal Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Raspy Pecan Cow
Terrain intersection
Faithful Seaweed Millipede
Terrain intersection
Sticky Concrete Turtle
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Graphite Dragon
Terrain intersection
Square Golden Kangaroo
Terrain intersection
Sour Crimson Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Metal Fly
Terrain intersection
Feisty Wool Osprey
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Dijon Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Soaring Aquamarine Anteater
Terrain intersection
Passive Cinnabar Urchin
Terrain intersection
Glorious Tortilla Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Careful Fleece Stork
Terrain intersection
Nice Inky Bison
Terrain intersection
Loud Tan Carp
Terrain intersection
Lively Opal Jay
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Berry Haddock
Terrain intersection
Winning Denim Spider
Terrain intersection
Decent Satin Beetle
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Pebble Albatross
Terrain intersection
Attractive Juniper Carp
Terrain intersection
Real Pine Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Rapid Rosewood Goose
Terrain intersection
Energetic Carbon Elk
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Green Hare
Terrain intersection
Damaged Lemonade Hare
Terrain intersection
Tall Ceramic Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Urban Boysenberry Chicken
Terrain intersection
Fresh Orchid Eagle
Terrain intersection
Elegant Hemp Orca
Terrain intersection
Mammoth Satin Manatee
Terrain intersection
Shiny Lime Leopard
Terrain intersection
Fun Metal Guppy
Terrain intersection
Best Iron Loris
Terrain intersection
Sour Flaxen Sealion
Terrain intersection
Genuine Onyx Hamster
Terrain intersection
Mini Chiffon Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Silly Carbon Yak
Terrain intersection
Damaged Cinnabar Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Active Porcelain Fox
Terrain intersection
Jovial Ocean Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Skinny Green Hyena
Terrain intersection
Future Misty Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Funny Pebble Lizard
Terrain intersection
Skinny Clear Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Bouncy Tangelo Weasel
Terrain intersection
Trendy Glass Lobster
Terrain intersection
Wild Mocha Capybara
Terrain intersection
Blunt Mocha Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Clay Yak
Terrain intersection
Expert Bubblegum Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Blurry Peanut Donkey
Terrain intersection
Fresh Parchment Corgi
Terrain intersection
Vast Chartreuse Beetle
Terrain intersection
Eager Eggplant Ape
Terrain intersection
Refined Purple Chicken
Terrain intersection
Soft Burgundy Marmot
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Burlap Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Sunny Cobalt Newt
Terrain intersection
Short Tan Crow
Terrain intersection
Eager Gauze Salmon
Terrain intersection
Little Wool Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Striped White Badger
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Rainbow Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Young Ebony Turtle
Terrain intersection
Short Juniper Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Muscular Grey Fish
Terrain intersection
Furry Mandarin Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Clumsy Gingerbread Mole
Terrain intersection
Short Cyan Fox
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Glass Manatee
Terrain intersection
Proud Cotton Rhino
Terrain intersection
Genuine Hickory Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Cheery Peanut Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Mammoth Lava Dinosaur
Terrain intersection
Calm Wool Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Shallow Menthol Whale
Terrain intersection
Round Viridian Dachshund
Terrain intersection
Energetic Chambray Piranha
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Wool Puppy
Terrain intersection
Able Brown Owl
Terrain intersection
Narrow Tan Perch
Terrain intersection
Young Pink Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Cheerful Gunmetal Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Best Graphite Walrus
Terrain intersection
Boxy Amber Weasel
Terrain intersection
Uneven Canvas Millipede
Terrain intersection