Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Able Tangelo Kangaroo
(Nebra IOT)
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Transmit Scale
5.8 dBi
8 m
Earnings (HNT)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
Reward Breakdown (HNT)
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
51115 / 268225
0.07030822 IOT
50959 / 263537
0.0702971 IOT
60339 / 250754
0.05292388 IOT
3572 / 260227
0.01737322 IOT
52975 / 74472
0.00001112 IOT
Denied Edges (137)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Overt Fuchsia Falcon
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Orange Mallard
Terrain intersection
Blurry Cherry Llama
Terrain intersection
Quiet Red Otter
Terrain intersection
Lucky Pear Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Mini Ebony Gecko
Terrain intersection
Blunt Merlot Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Real Macaroon Halibut
Terrain intersection
Sweet Juniper Chimpanzee
Terrain intersection
Sweet Blush Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Rich Dijon Marmot
Terrain intersection
Fierce Ginger Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Spicy Mauve Carp
Terrain intersection
Mini Lemonade Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Strong Sky Fly
Terrain intersection
Generous Ginger Swan
Terrain intersection
Overt Crepe Chicken
Terrain intersection
Faint Fuzzy Cottonmouth
Terrain intersection
Small Fossilized Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Great Mauve Mink
Terrain intersection
Elegant Fiery Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Peanut Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Zany Boysenberry Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Agreeable Peach Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Restless Cerulean Alligator
Terrain intersection
Big Infrared Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Nice Concrete Cormorant
Terrain intersection
Hot Velvet Mustang
Terrain intersection
Mini Holographic Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Trendy Citron Hawk
Terrain intersection
Huge Mint Urchin
Terrain intersection
Main Daffodil Shark
Terrain intersection
Jovial Rose Wasp
Terrain intersection
Virtual Peanut Hyena
Terrain intersection
Curly Ultraviolet Llama
Terrain intersection
Zealous Crimson Koala
Terrain intersection
Amateur Graphite Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Eager Navy Bull
Terrain intersection
Melted Ruby Scallop
Terrain intersection
Zany Gunmetal Mandrill
Terrain intersection
Magnificent Indigo Yak
Terrain intersection
Huge Purple Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Gentle Sandstone Seagull
Terrain intersection
Quaint Daffodil Antelope
Terrain intersection
Scruffy Saffron Halibut
Terrain intersection
Flaky Ebony Llama
Terrain intersection
Blunt Burgundy Boa
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Rainbow Raven
Terrain intersection
Flat Hotpink Gorilla
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Honeysuckle Bull
Terrain intersection
Nutty Blue Cow
Terrain intersection
Shallow Carmine Cougar
Terrain intersection
Wide Tangerine Seal
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Tan Stork
Terrain intersection
Thankful Shamrock Shrimp
Terrain intersection
Exotic Cyan Sloth
Terrain intersection
Narrow Iron Fox
Terrain intersection
Noisy Jetblack Yak
Terrain intersection
Tart Ocean Elk
Terrain intersection
Calm Cherry Goblin
Terrain intersection
Sweet Menthol Goat
Terrain intersection
Boxy Gingham Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Steep Azure Manatee
Terrain intersection
Micro Powder Mink
Terrain intersection
Boxy Amethyst Carp
Terrain intersection
Expert Pine Eel
Terrain intersection
Fancy Umber Hornet
Terrain intersection
Flaky Cobalt Crab
Terrain intersection
Overt Raspberry Panda
Terrain intersection
Daring Vermilion Turkey
Terrain intersection
Kind Carrot Cricket
Terrain intersection
Sunny Tangerine Llama
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Pine Elephant
Terrain intersection
Spicy Quartz Walrus
Terrain intersection
Ripe Mocha Wombat
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Aqua Yak
Terrain intersection
Recumbent Turquoise Lion
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Carrot Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Cornflower Fox
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Olive Capybara
Terrain intersection
Low Satin Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Long Cloud Badger
Terrain intersection
Cheery Opal Sloth
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Hazel Seahorse
Terrain intersection
Scrawny Plum Piranha
Terrain intersection
Early Charcoal Turtle
Terrain intersection
Virtual Cider Manatee
Terrain intersection
Attractive Lime Ant
Terrain intersection
Quiet Pearl Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Cool Heather Reindeer
Terrain intersection
Winning Nylon Meerkat
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Blush Walrus
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Brunette Weasel
Terrain intersection
Bald Pastel Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Short Coal Canary
Terrain intersection
Petite Golden Orca
Terrain intersection
Festive Green Orca
Terrain intersection
Feisty Beige Flamingo
Terrain intersection
Stable Fleece Shell
Terrain intersection
Obedient Stone Moth
Terrain intersection
Stable Onyx Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Immense Viridian Moth
Terrain intersection
Striped Glass Alligator
Terrain intersection
Large Pecan Grasshopper
Terrain intersection
Chilly Plastic Skunk
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Ocean Wombat
Terrain intersection
Joyous Lipstick Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Digital Zinc Nightingale
Terrain intersection
Special Dijon Sawfish
Terrain intersection
Slow Brunette Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Lemon Cat
Terrain intersection
Joyous Infrared Ladybug
Terrain intersection
Muscular Sangria Robin
Terrain intersection
Tangy Inky Rhino
Terrain intersection
Faithful Berry Okapi
Terrain intersection
Proper Glossy Haddock
Terrain intersection
Dizzy Mossy Urchin
Terrain intersection
Thankful Vermilion Haddock
Terrain intersection
Blurry Carbon Albatross
Terrain intersection
Faint Carbon Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Sticky Banana Carp
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Coffee Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Rapid Hickory Weasel
Terrain intersection
Dry Fossilized Boa
Terrain intersection
Sticky Jetblack Scallop
Terrain intersection
Basic Vinyl Cormorant
Terrain intersection
Itchy Jetblack Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Sour Slate Boar
Terrain intersection
Active Heather Urchin
Terrain intersection
Attractive White Poodle
Terrain intersection
Sunny Hotpink Cod
Terrain intersection
Tame Linen Yeti
Terrain intersection
Short Velvet Antelope
Terrain intersection
Damaged Wintergreen Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Tawny Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Dry Carmine Liger
Terrain intersection
Zany Raspberry Barbel
Terrain intersection