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Helium Explorer
Mysterious Spruce Meerkat
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Denied Edges (140)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Salty Burgundy Stork
Terrain intersection
Hot Taupe Lynx
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Green Pangolin
Terrain intersection
Atomic Amethyst Beetle
Terrain intersection
Shallow Tartan Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Melodic Pistachio Hippo
Terrain intersection
Bouncy Rose Dinosaur
Terrain intersection
Soaring Honey Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Melted Vanilla Hyena
Terrain intersection
Mythical Chili Sealion
Terrain intersection
Petite Pink Lizard
Terrain intersection
Straight Rusty Sloth
Terrain intersection
Nutty Bone Terrier
Terrain intersection
Bright Rainbow Marmot
Terrain intersection
Energetic Admiral Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Gauze Eagle
Terrain intersection
Brave Peach Troll
Terrain intersection
Innocent Clay Lion
Terrain intersection
Spicy Tangerine Wolf
Terrain intersection
Smooth Obsidian Sidewinder
Terrain intersection
Droll Onyx Ram
Terrain intersection
Sticky Banana Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Merry Turquoise Hamster
Terrain intersection
Pet Magenta Bear
Terrain intersection
Warm Currant Elephant
Terrain intersection
Strong Velvet Lobster
Terrain intersection
Brief Ash Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Mango Cormorant
Terrain intersection
Blurry Orchid Tiger
Terrain intersection
Sunny Navy Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Modern Cloud Ferret
Terrain intersection
Overt Rusty Cricket
Terrain intersection
Chilly Chambray Snake
Terrain intersection
Wobbly Amber Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Skinny Candy Marmot
Terrain intersection
Great Eggplant Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Fancy Shadow Pike
Terrain intersection
Careful Coal Manatee
Terrain intersection
Lucky Jetblack Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Joyful Pink Skunk
Terrain intersection
Main Frost Starfish
Terrain intersection
Keen Taupe Carp
Terrain intersection
Late Lemon Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Original Ebony Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Magnificent Saffron Goose
Terrain intersection
Hot Hazelnut Mouse
Terrain intersection
Macho Vermilion Mule
Terrain intersection
Bright Myrtle Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Magic Hazelnut Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Kind Goldenrod Capybara
Terrain intersection
Ripe Lime Osprey
Terrain intersection
Expert Jade Cow
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Ruby Manatee
Terrain intersection
Handsome Indigo Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Plain Raspberry Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Chilly Honeysuckle Wombat
Terrain intersection
Tangy Rouge Toad
Terrain intersection
Proper Watermelon Okapi
Terrain intersection
Cool Velvet Opossum
Terrain intersection
Glamorous Pistachio Tiger
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Cherry Starfish
Terrain intersection
Acrobatic Cerulean Loris
Terrain intersection
Immense Hemp Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Quiet Shamrock Huskie
Terrain intersection
Noisy Honey Piranha
Terrain intersection
Skinny Purple Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Loud White Halibut
Terrain intersection
Digital Onyx Stork
Terrain intersection
Cool Purple Butterfly
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Viridian Llama
Terrain intersection
Special Cider Donkey
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Inky Guppy
Terrain intersection
Odd Fiery Tapir
Terrain intersection
Muscular Vanilla Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Vast Paisley Osprey
Terrain intersection
Odd Neon Eel
Terrain intersection
Alert Metal Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Macho Yellow Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Early Fossilized Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Handsome Tan Mule
Terrain intersection
Keen Bamboo Gerbil
Terrain intersection
Perfect Sable Carp
Terrain intersection
Early Cloth Mole
Terrain intersection
Tiny Cobalt Yak
Terrain intersection
Proud Bone Elk
Terrain intersection
Alert Tartan Nuthatch
Terrain intersection
Bubbly Pebble Otter
Terrain intersection
Festive Spruce Baboon
Terrain intersection
Howling Licorice Dinosaur
Terrain intersection
Skinny Admiral Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Great Tartan Carp
Terrain intersection
Eager Carob Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Atomic Wooden Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Careful Eggshell Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Swift Velvet Lobster
Terrain intersection
Fresh Ivory Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Expert Chili Parakeet
Terrain intersection
Witty Plum Squid
Terrain intersection
Dancing Macaroon Kestrel
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Mandarin Cuckoo
Terrain intersection
Quaint Admiral Oyster
Terrain intersection
Oblong Clear Leopard
Terrain intersection
Hollow Slate Snail
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Wool Boa
Terrain intersection
Mammoth Onyx Cod
Terrain intersection
Tiny Malachite Cyborg
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Basil Starling
Terrain intersection
Silly Fern Poodle
Terrain intersection
Genuine Mint Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Square Red Shell
Terrain intersection
Proper Carob Hawk
Terrain intersection
Long Cinnabar Zebra
Terrain intersection
Quiet Ceramic Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Helpful Menthol Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Magnificent Watermelon Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Micro Tin Bee
Terrain intersection
Fantastic Tiger Lion
Terrain intersection
Hot Lead Dragonfly
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Concrete Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Round Cerulean Gazelle
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Champagne Chicken
Terrain intersection
Stable Snowy Lobster
Terrain intersection
Shallow Graphite Crab
Terrain intersection
Breezy Spruce Troll
Terrain intersection
Polite Ultraviolet Mule
Terrain intersection
Ambitious Opaque Anteater
Terrain intersection
Daring Lilac Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Loud Marigold Horse
Terrain intersection
Acidic Chartreuse Carp
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Golden Mandrill
Terrain intersection
Curved Metal Pigeon
Terrain intersection
Smooth Porcelain Wren
Terrain intersection
Wild Grape Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Rich Vermilion Albatross
Terrain intersection
Raspy Chocolate Panda
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Amethyst Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Chilly Mint Goblin
Terrain intersection
Overt Turquoise Rooster
Terrain intersection
Melodic Amethyst Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Zany Fleece Bee
Terrain intersection