Important Note: Helium data is transitioning to account for HIP 138. This transition may take 24 hours to complete. Until then, not all data may be accurate or displayed.

Clumsy Syrup Gazelle

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Transmit Scale



3 dBi


10 m

Earnings (IOT)


Earnings (HNT)


IOT Data (Bytes)


IOT Reward Breakdown

Rank Type Rank / Total Rewarded (IOT)
Total34206 / 2727140.05846508 IOT
Poc34215 / 2675620.05829736 IOT
Witness41438 / 2541980.04549906 IOT
Beacon1088 / 2641540.0127983 IOT
Data16623 / 795220.00016772 IOT

Denied Edges (60)

Hotspot NameReason for Denylist
Ambitious Scarlet OrcaTerrain intersection
Delightful Vinyl AntTerrain intersection
Interesting Strawberry ScorpionTerrain intersection
Scrawny Snowy OrcaTerrain intersection
Trendy Aqua MothTerrain intersection
Magic Strawberry ShetlandTerrain intersection
Tame Lemon LizardTerrain intersection
Wide Lead LadybugTerrain intersection
Energetic Zinc AlpacaTerrain intersection
Muscular Seaweed SidewinderTerrain intersection
Cheesy Mocha NarwhalTerrain intersection
Sweet Tan StarfishTerrain intersection
Spicy Cerulean HareTerrain intersection
Shambolic Pebble OwlTerrain intersection
Bitter Steel AntelopeTerrain intersection
Bright Powder ScallopTerrain intersection
Ripe Iris BisonTerrain intersection
Colossal Mahogany AlpacaTerrain intersection
Obedient Cyan PuppyTerrain intersection
Tangy Iris SwanTerrain intersection
Brave Aegean GuppyTerrain intersection
Great Amber PangolinTerrain intersection
Atomic Chiffon TurkeyTerrain intersection
Bubbly Neon DinosaurTerrain intersection
Expert Rosewood IguanaTerrain intersection
Tame Satin PerchTerrain intersection
Fluffy Glass BullTerrain intersection
Striped Amethyst AntTerrain intersection
Itchy Vermilion ShetlandTerrain intersection
Round Corduroy FlamingoTerrain intersection
Boxy Wooden MooseTerrain intersection
Long Lemonade HyenaTerrain intersection
Crazy Ceramic SwallowTerrain intersection
Silly Umber CrowTerrain intersection
Early Gauze KoalaTerrain intersection
Flat Emerald CaterpillarTerrain intersection
Dapper Coral DalmatianTerrain intersection
Handsome Shamrock SealionTerrain intersection
Bouncy Brown BoaTerrain intersection
Bent Green TunaTerrain intersection
Nutty Raspberry NuthatchTerrain intersection
Furry Tartan BirdTerrain intersection
Salty Nylon ElkTerrain intersection
Nice Lead BuffaloTerrain intersection
Creamy Navy TurtleTerrain intersection
Fantastic Blush SawfishTerrain intersection
Lucky Eggplant UrchinTerrain intersection
Straight Chartreuse BadgerTerrain intersection
Wonderful Paisley HedgehogTerrain intersection
Short Pastel FrogTerrain intersection
Bright Crepe OctopusTerrain intersection
Happy Pebble DachshundTerrain intersection
Chilly Glossy MantarayTerrain intersection
Radiant Mossy MantarayTerrain intersection
Perfect Lava MeerkatTerrain intersection
Careful Coconut MammothTerrain intersection
Thankful Cobalt CoyoteTerrain intersection
Sharp Basil BaboonTerrain intersection
Mean Brown CarpTerrain intersection
Radiant Admiral PonyTerrain intersection