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Helium Explorer
Docile Mahogany Walrus
(Cal-Chip IOT)
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Transmit Scale
2.3 dBi
2 m
Earnings (UTC)
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IOT Data (Bytes)
IOT Reward Breakdown
Stacked Bar
Rank Type
Rank / Total
Rewarded (IOT)
63533 / 273913
382.271792 IOT
63392 / 269142
381.917183 IOT
75392 / 255318
276.975408 IOT
11936 / 265688
104.941775 IOT
29412 / 74710
0.354609 IOT
Denied Edges (109)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Soft Merlot Salmon
Terrain intersection
Narrow Burlap Squirrel
Terrain intersection
Petite Peach Swallow
Terrain intersection
Spare Honeysuckle Alligator
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Blue Stork
Terrain intersection
Itchy Charcoal Beetle
Terrain intersection
Modern Cerulean Marmot
Terrain intersection
Shaggy Oily Puppy
Terrain intersection
Cool Cobalt Turkey
Terrain intersection
Helpful Malachite Boar
Terrain intersection
Fresh Parchment Beetle
Terrain intersection
Shallow Honeysuckle Urchin
Terrain intersection
Noisy White Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Festive Coal Capybara
Terrain intersection
Wild White Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Shambolic Charcoal Lion
Terrain intersection
Spicy Aquamarine Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Rare Gingham Barbel
Terrain intersection
Thankful Corduroy Huskie
Terrain intersection
Witty Mocha Jay
Terrain intersection
Genuine Cerulean Rattlesnake
Terrain intersection
Mysterious Tin Pike
Terrain intersection
Fun Brunette Bull
Terrain intersection
Macho Tortilla Mantaray
Terrain intersection
Sharp Citron Tadpole
Terrain intersection
Narrow Seaweed Swallow
Terrain intersection
High Teal Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Rough Pecan Eel
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Frost Gibbon
Terrain intersection
Gigantic Bubblegum Leopard
Terrain intersection
Breezy Sable Fish
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Porcelain Cat
Terrain intersection
Wide Merlot Bull
Terrain intersection
Tall Golden Marmot
Terrain intersection
Elegant Gunmetal Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Pet Citron Mantis
Terrain intersection
Hidden Dijon Armadillo
Terrain intersection
Cheesy Lava Lizard
Terrain intersection
Virtual Steel Cougar
Terrain intersection
Digital Satin Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Berry Tuna
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Strawberry Bee
Terrain intersection
Sharp Pink Perch
Terrain intersection
Cool Lemonade Cow
Terrain intersection
Faithful Aegean Moose
Terrain intersection
Late Vinyl Bat
Terrain intersection
Rich Saffron Marmot
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Lace Piranha
Terrain intersection
Feisty Champagne Troll
Terrain intersection
Little Macaroon Moth
Terrain intersection
Brisk Cinnabar Eel
Terrain intersection
Cool Ginger Ram
Terrain intersection
Dapper Tortilla Goat
Terrain intersection
Refined Steel Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Silver Terrier
Terrain intersection
Sharp Ceramic Mockingbird
Terrain intersection
Handsome Grape Rabbit
Terrain intersection
Precise Crepe Goldfish
Terrain intersection
Suave Watermelon Scallop
Terrain intersection
Early Coconut Scorpion
Terrain intersection
Urban Carbon Bird
Terrain intersection
Virtual Burlap Lemur
Terrain intersection
Dry Green Tarantula
Terrain intersection
Stable Tangerine Trout
Terrain intersection
Muscular Licorice Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Sticky Lilac Ram
Terrain intersection
Tangy Chambray Baboon
Terrain intersection
Urban Emerald Chimpanzee
Terrain intersection
Gorgeous Butter Okapi
Terrain intersection
Keen Licorice Corgi
Terrain intersection
Steep Purple Crab
Terrain intersection
Bald Raspberry Toad
Terrain intersection
Creamy Fiery Goat
Terrain intersection
Fun Peach Spider
Terrain intersection
Tricky Flaxen Tapir
Terrain intersection
Vast Mercurial Hare
Terrain intersection
Micro Pebble Sparrow
Terrain intersection
Upbeat Mahogany Bird
Terrain intersection
Breezy Zinc Cheetah
Terrain intersection
Strong Fuzzy Caterpillar
Terrain intersection
Dancing Graphite Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Special Zinc Ladybug
Terrain intersection
Perfect Concrete Ape
Terrain intersection
Stale Neon Goldfish
Terrain intersection
Colossal Snowy Robin
Terrain intersection
Generous Watermelon Griffin
Terrain intersection
Savory Purple Hamster
Terrain intersection
Tricky Bone Opossum
Terrain intersection
Sticky Tangelo Lark
Terrain intersection
Quaint Iris Fish
Terrain intersection
Fluffy Chartreuse Wasp
Terrain intersection
Faint Sand Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Damp Grape Yak
Terrain intersection
Beautiful Lava Buffalo
Terrain intersection
Nutty Orchid Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Sticky Cinnamon Jaguar
Terrain intersection
Rare Burgundy Mammoth
Terrain intersection
Clever Cinnabar Lark
Terrain intersection
Skinny Ginger Shell
Terrain intersection
Flaky Heather Octopus
Terrain intersection
Steep Viridian Lemur
Terrain intersection
Careful Orchid Rat
Terrain intersection
Joyous Eggplant Perch
Terrain intersection
Glorious Latte Chipmunk
Terrain intersection
Fast Chrome Cobra
Terrain intersection
Cheery Orange Aardvark
Terrain intersection
Itchy Cloth Lobster
Terrain intersection
Refined Marmalade Hedgehog
Terrain intersection
Howling Rainbow Pike
Terrain intersection