Helium Explorer
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Helium Explorer
Acidic Aqua Panther
(SenseCAP IOT)
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1.5 dBi
75 m
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Rewarded (IOT)
Denied Edges (110)
Hotspot Name
Reason for Denylist
Joyous Ultraviolet Corgi
Terrain intersection
Tangy Boysenberry Nuthatch
Terrain intersection
Late Silver Whale
Terrain intersection
Muscular Aqua Bat
Terrain intersection
Sweet Tangerine Parrot
Terrain intersection
Swift Hemp Koala
Terrain intersection
Sticky Crimson Goblin
Terrain intersection
Urban Brunette Pelican
Terrain intersection
Genuine Shadow Beaver
Terrain intersection
Bright Ocean Crab
Terrain intersection
Proper Leather Platypus
Terrain intersection
Clumsy Pistachio Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Happy Grape Squid
Terrain intersection
Interesting Aquamarine Chameleon
Terrain intersection
Petite Peanut Wallaby
Terrain intersection
Bald Violet Cow
Terrain intersection
Melted Quartz Lynx
Terrain intersection
Faithful Goldenrod Salmon
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Coral Pheasant
Terrain intersection
Radiant Pear Lobster
Terrain intersection
Huge Mocha Penguin
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Rusty Tortoise
Terrain intersection
Kind Linen Wasp
Terrain intersection
Itchy Tan Parrot
Terrain intersection
Slow Menthol Haddock
Terrain intersection
Melted Taupe Bird
Terrain intersection
Bright Coral Raccoon
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Peanut Albatross
Terrain intersection
Short Strawberry Shetland
Terrain intersection
High Cider Elk
Terrain intersection
Real Pastel Woodpecker
Terrain intersection
Proud Bone Tadpole
Distance insensitivity
Eager Macaroon Blackbird
Terrain intersection
Tart Garnet Shell
Terrain intersection
Basic Mustard Puppy
Terrain intersection
Lucky Coral Millipede
Terrain intersection
Virtual Neon Corgi
Terrain intersection
Strong Wool Mantis
Terrain intersection
Clumsy Paisley Copperhead
Terrain intersection
Unique Mango Crow
Terrain intersection
Short Chambray Porpoise
Terrain intersection
Jovial Gunmetal Mole
Terrain intersection
Sharp Magenta Nightingale
Terrain intersection
Mythical Misty Orangutan
Terrain intersection
Striped Champagne Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Witty Snowy Opossum
Terrain intersection
Orbiting Coconut Dalmatian
Terrain intersection
Breezy Hazel Sheep
Terrain intersection
Warm Wooden Marmot
Terrain intersection
Clean Grey Barracuda
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Lava Ape
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Azure Tapir
Terrain intersection
Dazzling Chili Unicorn
Terrain intersection
Rare Carrot Sloth
Terrain intersection
Low Green Baboon
Terrain intersection
Lucky Pear Swallow
Terrain intersection
Future Burgundy Bird
Terrain intersection
Thankful Fiery Bear
Terrain intersection
Powerful Magenta Starling
Terrain intersection
Sour Khaki Opossum
Terrain intersection
Mammoth Plastic Iguana
Terrain intersection
Zany Tortilla Cow
Terrain intersection
Deep Chartreuse Guppy
Terrain intersection
Fit Boysenberry Hare
Terrain intersection
Digital Heather Bobcat
Terrain intersection
Wonderful Citron Stallion
Terrain intersection
Rhythmic Bronze Oyster
Terrain intersection
Prehistoric Glossy Anteater
Distance insensitivity
Active Cloud Puma
Terrain intersection
Large Ginger Vulture
Terrain intersection
Magnificent Tiger Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Faithful Cedar Mule
Terrain intersection
Gentle Sand Beetle
Terrain intersection
Quiet Cornflower Giraffe
Terrain intersection
Mythical Rainbow Sardine
Terrain intersection
Tricky Coconut Bear
Terrain intersection
Sharp Pineapple Elephant
Terrain intersection
Jolly Metal Whale
Terrain intersection
Best Purple Lion
Terrain intersection
Strong Sable Haddock
Terrain intersection
Proud Admiral Bear
Terrain intersection
Eager Olive Donkey
Terrain intersection
Calm Lemon Pelican
Terrain intersection
Proper Butter Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Sparkly Denim Porcupine
Terrain intersection
Breezy Midnight Tardigrade
Terrain intersection
Brief Hazelnut Mongoose
Terrain intersection
Cuddly Sandstone Cobra
Terrain intersection
Stable Hazelnut Jay
Terrain intersection
Amusing Gauze Turkey
Terrain intersection
Brisk Mandarin Crocodile
Terrain intersection
Sweet Admiral Bird
Terrain intersection
Odd Crepe Narwhal
Terrain intersection
Creamy Brown Cobra
Terrain intersection
Clean Sable Orca
Terrain intersection
Small Walnut Rook
Terrain intersection
Sneaky Tin Viper
Terrain intersection
Lively Pickle Whale
Terrain intersection
Teeny Concrete Duck
Terrain intersection
Feisty Glass Raven
Terrain intersection
Formal Wooden Kookaburra
Terrain intersection
Chilly Carmine Dolphin
Terrain intersection
Striped Powder Ant
Terrain intersection
Magic Flaxen Lion
Terrain intersection
Large Holographic Snail
Terrain intersection
Blurry Lemon Tuna
Terrain intersection
Elegant Chrome Manatee
Terrain intersection
Attractive Tortilla Coyote
Terrain intersection
Original Spruce Capybara
Terrain intersection
Original Pineapple Narwhal
Terrain intersection